Change of plan:
We have had some feedback that you would like some more time to complete your science research fact files! So this afternoon you will do science and NOT geography as it states on the blog. Remember to make your Arctic Animal fact files as detailed as possible and include some well drawn out pictures as well as photographs. We can't wait to see how creative you have been!
Morning wake up - 15 minutes
9am Joe Wicks Workout or Daily Mile Challenge! Click the images below.
LIVE Lesson - Mr B - Maths - 9:10am
Maths - 50 minutes
This weeks maths is focused on Division... don't scream, it will be ok! Find the link to the maths below. Pick the level that suits you!
Bronze – Division by 3 digits
Silver – Division by 4 digits
Gold – Short division
Spelling - 15 minutes
This week we are looking at the -ible/-able rule in spellings. Go the spelling page by clicking the image below and then pick either bronze, silver or gold words. Your activity today is on the same page.
English - 50 minutes
Today we are looking at understanding the features of a monologue as this is the task for the end of the week. To be able to write a monologue, we need to know what it is and what it includes. Click the link below to head straight to the page where you will find the work.
There will be a prerecorded video of Miss Copley reading the book which you will be able to find on TEAMS tomorrow.
Reading Skills - 30 minutes
We will looking at text marking again. Head to the page where you will find the text we are looking at, and a list of features we would like you to find within that text.
Science - 40 minutes
You need to continue with your task from yesterday, focusing on your fact file. Make sure your including scientific vocabulary and all of the adaption information you need about the animal you are writing your fact file on. Click on the swirl below to revisit yesterday's lesson
LIVE Lesson - Mrs Martin and Mrs Ingram - Nurture Group - 2:30pm