Friday 5thMarch 2021
Hello Wrens and Jays and happy Friday!!
Today is the last day of home learning, you have all been amazing!!
The last lesson for this week is a recap of phase 3. Watch lesson 40 on:
Today’s follow up activity is going to focus on tricky words, have a go at one of these activities:
-Watch and join in with this phase 3 tricky word song:
-You could then have a go at filling the blank boxes in with the tricky words. Remember to look at the shape of the box carefully, remember if it is a taller box then it is a tall letter!
-You may like to play tricky word splat! Write out the tricky words on cards (or you may have some from before). Lay them out, get a grown up to call out a tricky word and see how quickly you can find it and splat it!
-BBC tricky word song:
Handwriting today is focusing on long ladder letters: l, t, i, j, y.
You can visit this website for a video on how to form the letters and some worksheet ideas:
Our question to focus on today is: What shape is a special symbol for Christians?
Look at these images, do you know what it is called? Do you know what the meaning of the cross is? Have a look at the anchor. Do you know where we would find an anchor? What does an anchor do for a boat and its passengers?
Can you make different cross shapes with your body, arms, using playdough, or even using sticks?
The cross is really important to Christians. Why do you think it is so special?
Look really closely at these pictures of crosses, do you recognise anyone? That’s right it is Jesus. Last term we learned lots of stories about Jesus.
This term we are going to learn about a story where Jesus died on a cross.
Design your own cross to remind you of the stories you know about Jesus. What would you paint on it?
‘I wonder why you have designed it like this?’
Your activity for today is to find out which materials are best for making a comfortable bed for the princess.
Which different materials can you find at home? Can you find cotton wool, felt, hessian, bubble wrap, foam or any others? Can you describe each material and how it feels?
Choose one of more of the materials to make a bed for the princess. You may want to use a pea (or something else small and hard), test the material by pressing down with your hand, what can you feel? You may want to sort the materials into two groups ‘Can feel the pea’ or ‘Can’t feel the pea’.