There are no live lessons today! However, prerecorded ones will be available to you!
This morning we will be doing a wake up and shake up (not a Joe Wick's workout as there's a special something for you in PE instead!)
We will begin Term 3 by reviewing our knowledge and understanding of Number and Place Value as this must be secure to help us with all other areas of mathematics.
WARM UP: (Click on the image to go to the webpage!)
Today will be an arithmetic practice day. There are three levels of difficulty (bronze, silver and gold) and a recap and consolidation for those that are finding bronze too tricky.
Take your time in answering these questions and take a photo to send back to your class teacher with your answers to use the ‘answers PDF’ below to mark your own – if they’re incorrect, can you find out why?
Bronze – Click this link to be directed to the maths page where you’ll find PDFs and pictures for the bronze arithmetic.
Silver – Click this link to be directed to the maths page where you’ll find PDFs and pictures for the silver arithmetic.
Gold – Click this link to be directed to the maths page where you’ll find PDFs and pictures for the gold arithmetic.
Recap and consolidate - Click this link to be directed to the maths page where you’ll find PDFs and pictures for the recap and consolidate arithmetic.
This week we will be continuing with our spelling knowledge of homophones. Tasks have been organised in the spelling folder on each class page to show Bronze, Silver and Gold.
Follow the link to the spelling page you will need week 2 work:
Spelling | Archbishop Courtenay Primary School
Bronze tasks are a recap and consolidation of key words and spellings
Silver are Homophones aimed at Year 5 expected level
Gold are Homophones aimed at Year 6 expected level
Select the spelling level that will give you the challenge that you need. Then complete one of the tasks below to help you practise your spellings today:
Sound sort – As Monday / Wednesday – different sound
Pupils practise under Friday on the sheet
Last practice before test on Monday
Yesterday, you created a mind-map of senses for somebody standing at the dockyard waving goodbye to Shackleton’s crew as they begin their expedition (this could have been from the perspective of a loved one or just a passer-by).
Today, you are going to write a diary entry as though that person has gone back home to record the event in their journal. Make sure you include the senses that you mind-mapped and try to create such a clear picture in the mind of the reader so that they can imagine they are there too. Check out the video below as an example of created a clear picture in someone’s mind.
Now, re-watch yesterday’s video if you like and then read the below example before attempting your own!
As I stood on the dockyard, like a can of sardines tightly packed were the people all around me. The sense of anticipation, excitement but also nervous was thick in the air all around us. I began wondering what may happen to my brother, Leonard Hussey, when the loud fog horn of The Endurance drew my attention abruptly back to the scenes all around me.
Men, women and children were shouting as loud as they could, trying to get their messages across to the crew mates who stood up high on the deck of their ship. Seagulls circled above squawking, as if to try and mark their territory. Waves lapped against the side of the docks. I could smell the fresh Norwegian wood that the ship had been so masterfully constructed in and I was in awe of its beauty and apparent strength. This filled me with hope; surely my brother would be fine in a state-of-the-art ship such as this! I could see on the faces of the crew a sense of courage and pride to be sent off in such a manner (with hundreds of fans, family and press gathered all around) and yet also a sense of fear. Only a hundred or so miles away we were sending soldiers overseas to fight in the great war and here Shackleton’s crew were, fighting their own war on behalf of all humanity – a war against our limits, a war of adventure and expedition. My heart both beamed with pride in my brother and sank that I couldn’t join him!
I wiped away the tear that had begun to form in my eye and held on to my father’s hand tightly. He looked at me and I saw the same pride and nervousness in his eyes also.
Remember to check your punctuation with your class teacher and to use the writing aids in the English tabs to improve your vocabulary and sentence structure:
Pre-recorded reading session: Wolf Wilder read by Miss Copley
Follow the link for today’s collective worship:
Term 3 | Archbishop Courtenay Primary School (
You will need to look in week 2 and find Monday’s Collective worship power point to take part.
It’s PE! Follow the link below to go to the Joe Wicks inspired home workout using a simply pair of socks. Make sure you have a big enough space to work in, sensible PE clothes on, a drink of water and a pair of socks!