Early Years
We want pupils to be confident to explore novel technologies and computing concepts and begin to develop an awareness of digital literacy concerns and critical thinking. They use common computer science vocabulary and can identify uses of technology in their own lives. Children will also:
- Know what to do if they feel unsafe/uncomfortable and understand that not all information on the internet is true.
- Begin to use common computer science vocabulary.
- Appreciate uses of technology inside and outside of school.
- Begin to use and ‘tinker’ with technological toys and write simple algorithms, understanding their role in achieving a goal.
- Begin to understand the impact of screen time, how they can self-regulate this, and why it is important.
We want pupils to know how to use technology safely and responsibly to understand and demonstrate key computational thinking concepts. To begin to make choices about which technology to use in order to achieve a specified outcome and use critical thinking skills to analyse digital information. To identify uses of technology in their own lives and the wider world. Children will also:
- Know what to do and where to go if they feel unsafe/uncomfortable and begin to develop simple strategies for identifying trusted sources of information.
- To broaden and develop their use of computer science vocabulary and concepts.
- Make an informed choice about which technology to use in order to achieve a given purpose or complete a specific task and understand that particular technologies are more suited to specialised tasks.
- To draw upon knowledge of simple algorithms and debugging in order to create more complex algorithms to achieve specific goals and apply this in different contexts.
We want pupils to know how to use technology safely and responsibly and develop autonomy and self-discipline within their technology use, using critical thinking skills to be discerning in evaluating digital information. They can use a range of technology to achieve specified outcomes and understand key computing concepts are applicable and can be used across a variety of contexts. They understand the importance and applications of technology, as well as beginning to consider the ethical considerations of contemporary and future technology use. Children will also:
- Understand own responsibilities to themselves and others in terms of online safety and security and having identified strategies for dealing with digital literacy concerns.
- Understand the age restrictions for games and social media and why they are in place.
- Understand the difference between a friend and an online friend, and approach information presented as fact with a sense of criticality.
- Appreciate the impact of the digital footprint, and the portrayal of self and others online, as well as developing an awareness of issues surrounding filtering and transparency.
- Be able to use an increasing range of technology and resources to achieve specific and specialised outcomes and make an informed choice about which technology to use.
- To consolidate knowledge of more complex algorithms and use these to define and achieve specific goals with increasing efficiency and in a range of different contexts.
- To begin to consider the ethical implications of current and future technology use, particularly in terms of artificial intelligence and machine learning, and their proliferation in everyday life.
- To empower children to understand and consider the opportunities that technology can offer in shaping their future and that of others, as well as its ability to solve problems and enhance quality of life on a global scale.