Where? On TEAMS
When? 11.00 am to 11.15 am. Monday to Thursday.
Who? Mrs Bourdillon and Mr Hazelby will be on line with LKS2
In the Afternoon
Where? On TEAMS
When? 1:00 pm to 1:15 pm. Monday to Thursday.
Who? Mrs Bourdillon and Mr Hazelby will be on line with LKS2
Mrs Bone and Mrs Heather might check in too!
Don't forget the link to log on is:
or by downloading the app:
and use the login we sent you earlier. See you there!
Today we have set a topic assignment on Microsoft Teams.
To access this, you should log on at
or by downloading the app
How to use this page:
The first place to look is the Home Learning Daily Blog tab. Here you will find a detailed description of what we would like you to do that day. You don't have to do it in the order on the blog, if you want to start with the wider curriculum and do the Maths after lunch, that is fine with us. Try to complete as much of the work as you can. Any other work, such as Maths sheets, Class reading books etc will be under the subject tabs but they will all be linked from the class blog.
When you have completed your work, don't forget you can email it to me at so I can celebrate it.
LKS2 PE is on a Thursday afternoon and children to come into school dressed in their PE kit - house colour t-shirt, black shorts or black tracksuit bottoms, school jumper or cardigan and trainers.