Week 3 19.01.20
Good morning KS1. Today it is Tuesday and we are going to be beginning to write our imagination stories so make sure you have your imaginations switched on! Please email your work to your class teacher using your class email.
We are continuing to revisit the sounds we already know before moving onto Phase 5. It is very important we do our phonics every day.
Our lesson today will be continuing to practise reading words with more than one syllable.
Today we are going to look the when ‘ch’ makes the ‘k’ sound. Make sure you have a piece of paper and pencil to hand while you watch the Mr Thorne video. Write down each word, then add sound buttons to the words and practise reading them. What do you notice?
Today we will be writing a draft for our narrative using our plans we made yesterday. You may want to use a writing mat to help remember what your writing needs. Watch the video below to see how to use your story map and plan to write your beginning, middle and end.
Complete a warm up on TTrockstars or BBC Supermovers to get ready for the lesson. Then watch the correct lesson for your year group and complete the work attached.
Year 1
Today we are going to be subtracting by counting back.
Year 2
Today we are continuing to make equal groups by sharing.
Today we are learning about how important it is to say thank you. Watch the story of the thankful leper.
Look at the faces below. How do you think the people felt through the story?
Imagine how Jesus might have felt about the leper who came back and the nine that didn't.
What do you think about the story?
Who could you say thank you to today?
Make a thank you card for someone you feel grateful towards.