
Archbishop Courtenay Primary School

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Archbishop Courtenay Primary School

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Home Learning Prompts

This week's learning

Week 2 15.01.20 

Good morning! We hope you have all had a marvellous week. You have all worked extremely hard and definitely deserve to have a rest this weekend. Have a fantastic day and email your teacher any pictures of your wonderful work from the week. 

Good morning from Miss Paul

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We're going on a bear hunt

Still image for this video


We are continuing to revisit the sounds we already know before moving onto Phase 5.  It is very important we do our phonics every day.   

Our lesson today will be reviewing our learning for the week.  


Today we are going to look the ‘y’ alternative spellings of the short ‘i’ sound. Make sure you have a piece of paper and pencil to hand while you watch the video. Write down each word, then add sound buttons to the words and practise reading them. What do you notice? 

Spelling lesson - y as short i sound.mp4

Still image for this video


With your adult, recap the main events of the story ‘Where the wild things are’.

Today you are going to be creating your own version of the story in which you go on an adventure and find yourself in a setting of your choice. Think about the following questions to help plan your story map.

  • What magical thing starts the adventure? 
  • How do you get to the setting? 
  • What happens when you get there? 
  • Who do you meet? 
  • What makes you want to go home? 
  • How do you get back? 

English lesson Where the Wild Things Are.mp4

Still image for this video


Complete a warm up on TTrockstars or BBC Supermovers to get ready for the lesson. Then watch the correct lesson for your year group and complete the work attached.


Year 1 

Today we are going to subtract not crossing 10. 

Year 2  

Today we are learning our 10 times tables. Practise this more using TTrockstars after the lesson.


Today we are going to be looking at what fossils are and how they are formed.

Look at the pictures of these fossils. What do you think they are? What animals or plants created these fossils. Watch the videos on how fossils are formed then choose an activity to make a fossil of your own.

Week 2 14.01.20 


Good morning! Well done to all the children who have already finished their English assignment. You are all fantastic and we are so proud of how hard you are working! Thank you so much for all the entries to the poster competition. A big well done to all the entrants! Today Mrs Heather will be announcing the winner. 


We are continuing to revisit the sounds we already know before moving onto Phase 5.  It is very important we do our phonics every day.   

Our lesson today will be recapping how to read words with more than one syllable.


Today we are going to look the ‘y’ alternative spelling of the ‘igh’ sound. Make sure you have a piece of paper and pencil to hand while you watch the video. Write down each word, then add sound buttons to the words and practise reading them. What do you notice? 


Today we are learning to use descriptive language to describe our own wild thing. Watch the video about different animal skin. 

Some parts of their bodies are from actual creatures. 

Do you notice any real animal parts on the wild things? 

Using art materials of your choice, draw/paint or create a model of a new wild thing. 

When you have finished label your new ‘Wild thing’ identifying what your creature looks like. 


Complete a warm up on TTrockstars or BBC Supermovers to get ready for the lesson. Then watch the correct lesson for your year group and complete the work attached.


Year 1 

Today we are going to add by making 10. 

Year 2  

Today we are learning our 5 times tables. Practise this more using TTrockstars after the lesson.


Today we are going to be using a variety of materials to build a model of a dinosaur.


You may want to use the pictures or videos below to develop your ideas.

Week 2 13.01.20 

Good morning! Today we are posting the first assignment on Teams. Have a go at uploading your work for English using the video below to help. If you have trouble putting your work on Teams, email . Have a fantastic day!

how to turn in an assignment (1).mp4

Still image for this video
Let's start with a wake up shake up!


We are continuing to revisit the sounds we already know before moving onto Phase 5.  It is very important we do our phonics every day.   

Our lesson today will be recapping how to read words with more than one syllable.


Today we are going to look the alternative spellings of the short ‘oo’ sound. Make sure you have a piece of paper and pencil to hand while you watch the video. Write down each word, then add sound buttons to the words and practise reading them. What do you notice? 


In our English lesson today, we are going to be writing poems to describe how Max and the Wild Things are moving and feeling. Watch the video below to learn about action verbs. 

Watch the clip of the wild rumpus or your dance and music from yesterday.  

How are the characters moving? 

Read the poem below. Which words describe the movements? 



Now, think and write down some other words, phrases or sentences to describe the rumpus. Think about the movements of the characters. 


Use these words to make up a poem of your own. 

Year 1 

Today we are going to find and make number bonds. 


Follow the link and enter the pin to access a number bonds game. 

Pin: JO2309 

Year 2 

Today we are learning our 2 times tables. Practise this more using TTrockstars after the lesson.


In today’s PE lesson we are going to be learning more about Mary Anning by following a dance session. Follow the link below by clicking on the picture of Mary Anning. Press play and follow the instructions in the video. 







Week 2 12.01.20 


Happy Tuesday! Today we are looking forward to more live learning sessions! We will focus on our English lesson in our TELLS session at 9:00am. We will be reading another story and answering any questions you have about your learning from the morning during our lesson at 11:30am. Have a great day and remember to email if you have any questions. 


We are continuing to revisit the sounds we already know before moving onto Phase 5.  It is very important we do our phonics every day.   

Our lesson today will be recapping how to read words with more than one syllable.


Today we are going to look at the /e/ sound when it is spelt ea. Make sure you have a piece of paper and pencil to hand while you watch the video. Write down each word, then add sound buttons to the words and practise reading them. What do you notice? 



Look at what is happening in the illustrations. What do you think Max and the Wild Things are thinking and feeling?


Think about what the music and movement would be like:

Would the music be loud or quiet, fast or slow?

How would this help to create the mood?

How would the characters be dancing? 

How would the characters be feeling?

How do their facial expressions show this? 


Watch the video of the ‘wild rumpus’ to help create your music or dance.

Year 1 

Today we are going to be adding by counting on. 

Year 2 

Today we are recapping how to make doubles. 

Religious Education 

What do you think the story is about? 

Why is Jesus telling the story? 


Christians think God loves humans and has given humans many gifts, including the ten shown below. Place these gifts in order of which you think are the most important. 

Week 2 11.01.20


Good morning! We hope you are looking forward to a new week of learning! This week we will have live sessions on Teams every day. Use the Teams schedule and the weekly timetable to help plan your days.


This morning we have our first morning Teams session to say good morning and talk about what we will be learning today. We look forward to seeing you!


We are continuing to revisit the sounds we already know before moving onto Phase 5.  It is very important we do our phonics every day. Our lesson today will be recapping the sounds air, ure, and er.

Lesson 6 - Year 1


Today we are going to look at the /s/ sound spelt c before e, i and y. Make sure you have a piece of paper and pencil to hand while you watch the Mr Thorne video. Write down each word, then add sound buttons to the words and practise reading them. What do you notice? 

Geraldine the Giraffe learns soft c


Today we are going to think about how Max is feeling and write him a letter. Listen to the story and think about the following questions.


  • When have you felt lonely?
  • Why was this?
  • What did you do to help yourself feel better
  • Did anyone do anything to help you feel better?
  • Have you ever seen anyone else being lonely?
  • Were you able to help them?
  • What could you do to help someone who was feeling lonely?


In your letter how would you comfort Max and make him feel better?


Watch the video below to remember the key parts of a letter.

Year 1 

Today we are going to be ordering numbers.

Year 2


Today we are learning to use arrays for multiplication.

Wider Curriculum

Watch the video on Mary Anning. What questions would you ask Mary Anning if you could meet her?

Draw a picture of Mary Anning and explain why she was an important person for science. Use the template below or plain paper to complete your work.

This week's learning

Week 1 08.01.21

Good morning! A big well done to all of you for your marvelous learning and attitudes this week. We are all immensely impressed with how well you have adapted to remote learning. Have a lovely day of learning today and a relaxing weekend.


Now, for our wake up shake up!


We are continuing to revisit the sounds we already know before moving onto Phase 5.  It is very important we do our phonics every day. 

Our lesson today will review this week’s learning can be found here.


Today we are going to look at the silent k. Make sure you have a piece of paper and pencil to hand while you watch the Mr Thorne video. Write down each word, then add sound buttons to the words and practise reading them. What do you notice?


Read along with the story from start to finish and after you have done so I would like you to think about and answer the questions below.  You may want to listen to the story more than once.

- What did you like and/or dislike?
- Did anything surprise you?
- Did you find anything particularly interesting? Why?
- Did the story remind you of anything in real life or in other stories?

- Was the book about what you thought it was going to be? How was it similar/different?
- Where is the story set?
- Is the setting real?
- What do you know about Max?
- How does Max feel at different points in the story?

- Why does Max go home?


Complete a warm up on TTrockstars or BBC Supermovers to get ready for the lesson. Then watch the correct lesson for your year group and complete the work attached.

Year 1

Today we are going to be ordering groups of objects.

Year 2

Today we are writing and solving multiplication problems from pictures.


In science this term we will be learning about changes. Today we will be learning about how people change as they grow. Watch the video to learn about the different stages of growth and development. Complete the timeline by drawing or adding a picture of a person at each stage of development.

Changes over Time

Still image for this video

Week 1 07.01.20


Good morning Swifts! Oh dear … look at our school! Something, or someone, has been having a grand old time in our school grounds. Mrs Heather has spotted some strange sights on the security cameras too. Can you help us find out who it is by looking closely at the clues they left behind?

Please let your teacher know who you think left behind all the clues on Teams or by email.


Now, let’s get started with our day with a wake up shake up.


We are continuing to revisit the sounds we already know before moving onto Phase 5. It is very important we do our phonics every day. 

Our lesson today focuses on the ow, ear, oi phonemes and can be found here.


Today we are going to look at the silent g. Make sure you have a piece of paper and pencil to hand while you watch the Mr Thorne video. Write down each word, then add sound buttons to the words and practise reading them. What do you notice?


For today's task I would like you to look back at all the descriptive words and phrases about a setting you have collected over the last few days and use them to write a paragraph (at least 5 or 6 sentences)  about the fantasy setting in this text. Remember a setting tells us when and where the story happens. 

Once use you have done this, read your paragraph out loud and use the checklist  to edit your work.  


Follow the warm up video or play Times Tables Rock stars to get ready for the lesson. Then watch the correct lesson for your year group and complete the work attached.

Year 1

Today we continuing to represent and count tens and ones.

Year 2

Today we are linking repeated addition of equal groups to multiplication. We are going to begin using the x symbol.



Today you are going to be creating your own prehistoric jungles. Prehistoric means a time before there was anyone to record the past. Historians need to use clues just like you all did this morning to find out about what happened.


Look at the pictures and video of what we think prehistoric jungles looked like. Can you create your own model landscape? Below are some ideas of how you could make your landscape...


  • Use natural materials from your garden or a park such as stones, sand, twigs, rocks and soil.
  • Use junk materials from your recycling bin such as cartons, cardboard boxes and bottles.
  • Use clay or playdough to sculpt.


You may think of a different way to create your jungle. We can’t wait to see pictures of all your marvellous creations!

Week 1 06.01.20


Good morning Swifts! I hope you are ready for another fun day of learning. It was wonderful to see all the smiling faces of those who were able to join our Teams meeting yesterday to say hello! Keep on practising using Teams and remember to email if you have any questions about Teams or your learning.


We are continuing to revisit the sounds we already know before moving onto Phase 5.  It is very important we do our phonics every day. 

Our second lesson focuses on the or, ur and oo phonemes and can be found here.


Today we are going to look at the silent b. Make sure you have a piece of paper and pencil to hand while you watch the Mr Thorne video. Write down each word, then add sound buttons to the words and practise reading them. What do you notice?


Still image for this video


Today we are going to think about the setting in this story.  Watch the video below then talk to your adult about whether the setting in Where the Wild Things Are is real or Fantasy? What is the difference?

That's right, Max finds himself in a Fantasy setting.  Think about other fantasy stories you have read.  Can you think of adjectives to describes the setting in those?  Now close your eyes and imagine your own fantasy setting. Draw or paint what you imagine then write words or phrases around your illustration.


Follow the warm up video to get ready for the lesson. Then watch the correct lesson for your year group and complete the work attached.

Year 1

Today we are representing and counting tens and ones.

Year 2

Today we are going to be learning how to add equal groups.


Use the cards below to set up a circuit of 8 Home Fitness Stations. Challenge your family to complete the activity at each station. Remember to keep hydrated by taking regular sips of water.

Challenge: can you design an activity for a ninth and tenth station?

Week 1 05.01.20

Good morning everybody. We hope you had lots of fun with your learning yesterday! Thank you to all those who have sent examples of their learning. Remember, today we are having our first online meeting on Teams to say hello to everybody. Our meeting is at 10:30 until 10:40. We are looking forward to meeting you online and checking you are OK. Mrs Bone and Mrs Heather may well check in too!


Now, let's get started with a wake up shake up!


We are continuing to revisit the sounds we already know before moving onto Phase 5.  It is very important we do our phonics every day. 

Our second lesson focuses on the ar, oo and oa phonemes and can be found here.


Today we are going to look at the alternative grapheme for the /ch/ phoneme. Make sure you have a piece of paper and pencil to hand while you watch the Mr Thorne video. Write down each word, then add sound buttons to the words and practise reading them. What do you notice?


Look at the pictures below that show how Max's bedroom is changing.

"... and grew until his ceiling hung with vines".


Talk to your adult about What can the boy see now? Where is this setting?  What can you see in the picture?  What is the boy doing?  How might the boy be feeling?

Imagine you are Max in this scene as his room is transforming.  What descriptive words (adjectives) and phrases would you use to describe the scene. Can you think of any similes to describe the scene? (Watch the learn screens below to remind yourselves about adjectives and similes). Think about how Max might be feeling and how he is responding to the setting. Think of all of your senses and use them to describe what Max might see, hear, smell, feel etc.  Write down your thoughts in first person as Max. 

For example:  I can feel cold, wet grass growing between my toes. The tall trees sway in a gentle breeze and shadows dance across my ceiling.   My heart is happy and want to join in their dance.





Follow the warm up video to get ready for the lesson. Then watch the correct lesson for your year group and complete the work attached.

Year 2

Today we are learning how to make equal groups.

Religious Education

Look at the picture.

What can you see?

What do you think the different pictures represent?

Do you think the picture may be about different stories?

What do you think is the message?


Think about the questions above. Write down any answers you have.













What is good news? Lots of the news on the TV is bad news but there is lots of good news too. Watch this episode of Newsround. What good news can you see?

Monday 4th January

Happy New Year everybody, we do hope you have had a wonderful holiday season with time to relax and recharge your brain ready for some super learning!  We’re very excited to ‘see’ you again and would love to hear all your news.  Please ask your adults to send us an email with anything you would like us to know.  []

So, who is ready to get this learning party started?  Let’s warm up our bodies and brains with  a warm up from Go Noodle.


We will start Term 3 Phonics with a quick review of the sounds we already know before moving onto Phase 5.  It is very important we do our phonics every day. 

First lesson focuses on the ai  ee and igh phonemes.


Today we are going to look at alternatively grapheme for the /j/ phoneme. Make sure you have a piece of paper and pencil to hand while you watch the Mr Thorne video. Write down each word, then add sound buttons to the words and practise reading them. What do you notice?


Look at this image from the book and talk to your adult about what you can see in the illustration.

Discuss: This is Max.

What is unusual about this picture? 

Did you notice the door, the window and the bed? Where do you think this is set?

What might be happening?

What type of story might this be from?

What do you notice about the character? 

What do his facial expressions tell us about the way he is feeling?

Why is he wearing a wolf suit?

Task: Draw a picture of Max and then use speech bubbles around your picture to write down what he might be thinking or feeling.


Warm Up  with TT Rock Stars Times Tables practice or BBC Supermovers Maths.  Click on the pictures to take you to the website.



YEAR 1 Watch the Learn screen below then complete open the PDF to answer the questions below it.

Year 2 watch this learn screen and then open the PDF below it to answer the questions.


Today we are learning about staying safe online. First watch the video of Lee and Kim. After that watch the lesson video. Your task today is to create a poster on how to stay safe online.

Lee and Kim

E-safety lesson.mp4

Still image for this video

Looking forward to seeing all you have done today.

For this week please email in your learning to the class email address.

Mrs Jewell & Mrs Finn.

Column subtraction with Dienes base 10 (without and with exchanging)

In Maths this week Year 2's are using Dienes base 10 to help us understand column subtraction. We began by looking at subtraction without exchanging, then looking at subtraction with exchanging 1 ten for 10 ones (just like Amber demonstrates in the video below). Our new Maths vocabulary for this week is EXCHANGE.

The Tale of the Three Little Pigs 

Early this week we talked about how well known (and often old) stories are told by parents to their children who in turn tell them to their children. We discussed how these become what we call Traditional Tales and that people knew or learnt them 'off by heart'.  We used picture clues to identify different traditional tales and spoke about which ones we liked best.  The we began working on learning the story of The Three Little Pigs using actions to help us tell the story.


Still image for this video

WOW what a busy start we have had to this new academic year!

It has been wonderful having all our children back in class. Below is a little look back at all we did.

We hope you are having a wonderful Half Term holiday.

