Today your activity from the Express Yourself Grid is "Fill a bucket"
We would also like you have a go at "sculpting your emotions". To do this you will need some clay, plasticine, playdough or salt dough. (You can make salt dough using flour, salt and water) With half of your mouldable material, shape a 2D oval for the base of your face. Next using the remaining material you will need to sculpt a nose, lips, eyes, eyebrows, ears and hair and add these to your 2D shape to make a 3D emotional face. If you have used clay you will need to leave it for a few days to dry out before painting, If you have used salt dough you will need an adult to help you put it into an oven on a low heat to dry out for 3-6 hours, depending on how thick you have made it. Once dry, hard and cool you can paint it.