The Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011 and is paid by means of a specific grant based on school census figures for pupils registered as eligible for FSM in reception to Year 11. For Children in Care the Pupil Premium was calculated using the Children Looked After data returns (SSDA903). A premium has also been introduced for children whose parents are currently serving in the armed forces. This service premium is designed to address the emotional and social well-being of these pupils. Each pupil registered for Free School Meals (FSM) receives £1,345 per annum, increasing to £1,385 in 2022. Those pupils who are Looked After Children, receive £ 2,345, increasing to £2,410 in 2022 and those whose parents are in the Armed Services £310, increasing to £320 in 2022.
The Pupil Premium is additional to main school funding and it will be used by this school to address any underlying inequalities between children eligible by ensuring that funding reaches the pupils who need it most.
How our Pupil Premium money is spent
Funding of our Pastoral and Wellbeing Manager who supports families
Used to support school strategy on improving whole school attendance
Subsidise school trips
Provide enrichment opportunities
Funds additional adults throughout the school
Provide individual support for children through targeted intervention
Provide counselling and emotional support for identified children
Pupil Premium at Archbishop Courtenay Primary School is well monitored, evaluated and structured. Close tracking of the progress and attainment of the pupils is undertaken throughout the year and Pupil Premium pupils are discussed termly during pupil progress meetings where interventions and support are set up and next steps identified. All staff have a clear understanding of the barriers to learning for disadvantaged pupils and plan effectively to accelerate this group to their next level of achievement in all areas.
Our Christian values are at the forefront of our school’s philosophy and we believe that everyone can achieve. We seek to offer every single child consistent quality first teaching and learning which challenges them at all levels. We also offer all pupils social and emotional support which will enable them to overcome barriers to success.
Focus of support
Please see our Pupil Premium Strategy for more detailed information on how our funding will be spent this year.