Morning wake up - 15 minutes
9am Joe Wicks Workout or Daily Mile Challenge! Click the images below.
LIVE Lesson - Mr B - Maths - 9:10am
Maths - 50 minutes
This weeks maths is focused on Division... don't scream, it will be ok! Find the link to the maths below. Pick the level that suits you!
Bronze – Division by 2 digits part 2
Silver – Division by 3 digits
Gold – Division by 4 digits
We will be addressing the work on a new LIVE lesson at 9:10am. Tune in BEFORE you start the work. You will be guided from there.
Spelling - 15 minutes
This week we are looking at the -ible/-able rule in spellings. Go the spelling page by clicking the image below and then pick either bronze, silver or gold words. Your activity today is on the same page.
English - 50 minutes
Today we are continuing the work from yesterday! Have a look at the English page and refer back to yesterday's learning.
LIVE Lesson - Mr B - Reading for Pleasure - 12pm
Reading Skills - 30 minutes
We will be focusing more in depth at the book 'Ice Palace' by Roberts Swindells and more specifically Ivan as a character. Please complete the C.S.I on Ivan using the guidance on the reading page by following the link below.
Science - 40 minutes
This week we will be looking at adaptation. Adaptation is when an animal changes its characteristics to match the habitat (environment) they live in. Strong and useful characteristics develop over time and are carried on our genes. Follow the link to this weeks tasks and challenges.
LIVE Lesson - Mrs Martin and Mrs Ingram - Nurture Group - 2:30pm