Hello all! Welcome back to online learning for term 4. We all hope you have had a restful half term break because we have some exciting lessons coming up in our topic this term: Identity. This week we have two teachers in school teaching and one teacher online. Miss Copley and Mr B will be in the classroom and Miss Flisher will be online, ready to answer any questions you have! Remember we have live lessons this week but they have changed times slightly. Maths will be at 9:30am whilst English remains at 11am. Join us for these lessons to help you with the work.
Now, find today's work below and we look forward to seeing you at 9:30am for Maths!
Get the day started with either Joe Wicks Live lesson or a nice Daily mile with your family. Check out the daily mile challenges by clicking the image.
LIVE Lesson - Mr B - Maths - 9:30am
This week is the start of our fractions unit in Maths. Mr B will be doing LIVE lessons on fractions this week to help you understand and complete the work! It's the same process this term. There are 3 levels, Bronze, Silver and Gold, so choose the one level that suits your level of understanding! Make sure you stick to 50 minutes of work and then have a break before English. This is for everyone's mental wellbeing! Find the work by clicking on the image below!
Bronze - Equivalent Fractions
Silver - Equivalent Fractions
Gold - Equivalent Fractions
Find this week's spellings by clicking the image below. We are looking at homophones this week! Use the resources on the page and pick bronze, silver or gold. Make sure you are doing the daily activities.
LIVE Lesson - Miss Copley - English - 11:00am
We are starting a new topic this term which means a new English focus. This terms English focus is Shakespeare and 3 of his most famous plays. Today we are looking at the man himself - William Shakespeare. Join us for our live lesson at 11:00am to help you with the task today.
We are reading a new book this term called 'Bill's New Frock', which links nicely into our topic: Identity. Click on the link below to find the first lesson of the new book!
LIVE Lesson - Miss Copley - RE - 2:00pm
We are looking at a new topic this term for RE - Salvation. Miss Copley will be doing a LIVE lesson for this so make sure you tune in to help you with the work. Click the link below to find the task for this week.
LIVE Lesson - Mrs Martin and Mrs Ingram - Nurture Group - 2:30pm