Week 3: Science
There will be a Science themed Quiz assignment added to Teams on Wednesday 20th January 2021
Focus Adaptation
LI: identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment
What do we mean by adaptation?
An adaptation is a physical or behavioural trait that evolves by natural selection and help organisms survive and pass on their genes to the next generation.
Look at Polar Adaptation posters and discuss each animal and the list of adaptation it has to live in that environment. Decide if these adaptations are physical or behavioural and label them.
Read at the Polar Ecosystem information sheets.
Select one animal featured on the sheets to research and create a fact file about.
Include information about:
Fact files should include diagrams and scientific vocabulary.
Extra website resources:
ANIMALS ADAPTATION | How Adaptation In Animals Work? | The Dr Binocs Show | Peekaboo Kidz - YouTube
Primary Science Lesson Idea: Adaptation | Tigtag - YouTube
Terrific Scientific: How animals adapt to their environment | BBC Teach Live Lesson - YouTube