Today we are kicking off our Thursday with one of our favourite wake and shake songs! It’s The floor is lava!
Our phonics focus for this week is phase 3 vowel digraphs. Today we are returning to diagraphs- remember, that means two letters, one sound! Today’s vowel digraph is ‘oa’
Have a look at the Letters and sounds task here:
Now, can you have a go at playing the ‘oa’ bingo game attached? You could write out your own bingo boards and cards and play with somebody at home.
Your handwriting focus for today is to write the letter ‘h’. This letter is a little similar to writing the letter ‘n’- it just has a longer neck! To get you ready for writing today, could you have a go at ‘The pencil grip rap!’ It’s a fun way to make sure that you are holding your pencil perfectly.
Expressive Art and Design
Before you start making today I need you to have a listen to this story… Dinosaurs love underpants! It’s a very funny story so I hope that you enjoy it!
Once you have listened to the story it is time for you to get creative. I would like you to design your own pair of underpants! You could draw and colour them, you could cut and stick or maybe you could even use real fabric!
Now that you have designed your underpants to go along with the story ‘Dinosaurs love underpants’, I would like you to write a sentence to describe them! Remember that sentences start with a capital letter and end with a full spot, also be sure to use finger spaces and your best handwriting! Have a look at my example for some guidance.