On Friday, it is the 75th anniversary of VE Day. VE stands for Victory in Europe, the end of the Second World War and the triumph of the Allies over Nazi Germany.
Below are some resources and images about VE Day. Why not conduct some research into VE Day yourselves? You could create a poster, a poem, a song, write a diary entry from the point of view of someone who was there, create a PowerPoint presentation, a fact sheet, a comic strip - there are even some recipes of the party food people would have enjoyed at the time, why not have a go at making some of the food?
Whatever you decide, the choice is yours! Please take lots of pictures of what you get up to and send them to herons@archbishopcourtenay.kent.sch.uk and I will upload them to create an amazing VE Day display.
If you have any questions please get in touch.
Keep safe,
Mr Newman
Good afternoon.
During these difficult and strange times we as a school want to keep in contact with you all, parents and children, as much as possible. On this basis, please complete the survey found on the following link - it should only take 5 minutes to complete.
Thank you and have a happy weekend.
Mr Newman
Hello Herons,
Below is the maths theme park project, and squared paper for you to design them.
Why not build your theme park too? You could use any materials (as long as they are safe!) and make them as big and complex as you can. Decorate them and make them look amazing! Remember, you don't have to finish something in one day - take your time!
Send me pictures of your creations and I'll upload them to the blog.
Good luck and take care,
Mr Newman
Day 1 of this strange situation we find ourselves in. I hope you are all well and keeping as safe as possible. At least the weather is lovely.
On Friday, the children were sent home with packs of work. Although there are no obligations to complete them, keeping our minds busy and having a routine during this time of limited freedom is so important. Therefore, I urge the children to set aside some time each day to have a go at one of the tasks, even if for one hour a day.
Please keep as safe as possible.
Mr Newman
Welcome to Herons!
As we head towards the end of term 2 and Christmas, the class need to be given tremendous credit and praise for all their hard work, effort and application so far this year. It has been tough at times but they have responded and improved and refused to give up.
So far this term, our learning has centered around the Victorians and comparing our lives to what life was like in Victorian times. The class have produced stories, reports and poems, a selection of which can be viewed below.
Our science topic has been all about health, fitness and the human body. We have studied the importance of water, why we should exercise and stay as healthy as possible and compared what we have today with the conditions many Victorians lived in.
Our Maths learning has focused on multiplication and division, and we are moving on to fractions next.
A big well done and thank you for the excellent homework being produced. We try to make the homework interesting and something different than writing and Maths; we want to see as much creativity as possible!
Please ensure your child has a PE kit in school at all times.
If you have any queries or questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
Mr Newman