Session 6: Good Conversations
It would be helpful if you could complete this session with an adult or an older sibling who is happy to talk with you and work through the session. If there is no one available to talk with, jot down your responses after you have thought carefully about the questions.
Watch the video and answer this question: Are the babies babies talking?
Have you ever thought about the fact that even without words and from the youngest age, we want to communicate with others?
I wonder, why is talking important? Talk with someone about this or list several reasons.
How have our conversations changed during lock down? Are there some people with whom you talk more, some less often? How have the ways that you talk with people changed? Do you use Zoom, Microsoft Teams, FaceTime or WhatsApp video to communicate with some people now?
What do you talk about - is there a common theme?
How does lack of self-awareness affect your audience?
Who should you be thinking about when you communicate?
We talk to different people in different ways, formal and informal, depending on their relationship to us. Imagine a conversation with the Queen:
Choose 3 from the list below: imagine a short conversation. How would you talk with each person?