Tuesday 21st July 2020
Today's blog has been written by Miss Copley and you can find it here.
Monday 20.07.20
For the last week of term, we are sharing our blog entries and activities: today's blog has been written by Mrs Bourdillon and you can find it here
Hello and welcome to Thursday!! Have you been enjoying the different themed days this week for your home learning? We certainly have in school.
Today’s theme is Castles!! Now I wonder…..have you ever visited a castle? Do you know who lives in a castle? Do you know any stories set in a castle?
Here is today’s warm up dance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zA5rnI-zMaM
Activity number one for today is to make your own crown, maybe you want to be extra creative and make a sword or shield too. Here are some ideas to get you started:
The second activity is to create your own castle and write a story that starts ‘Once upon a time….’ Who will the characters in your story be? What will happen to them? What will the ending be? Maybe you would like to write it on some castle shaped paper!
Have a brilliant day and I cannot wait to see your crown creations and read your fabulous stories!!
ROOOARRR!! Today is all about DINOSAURS!!
Let’s start our day with a warm up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Imhi98dHa5w
I wonder….can you name any dinosaurs? What interesting facts do you know about this dinosaur? It would be fantastic if you could make a fact file about this dinosaur, here are some examples:
Watch an episode of Harry and his bucketful of dinosaurs: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoHJXadQIxxMT69kHWt0zOQ can you spot the dinosaurs you named in the episode? Now it is time to get creative can you use objects from your home or garden, maybe you could even go on a walk to collect some different items, arrange them to make a dinosaur shape, just like this example.
Have you ever made salt dough? The ingredients you need for it are: salt, flour and water. Here is the recipe and the method: https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/howto/guide/how-make-salt-dough-recipe if you don’t want to make salt dough perhaps you could use some playdough?
Once your salt dough has been made can you make your own fossil? What is a fossil? Simply roll out your salt dough so it is nice and flat, then imprint a dinosaur (if you have one) or use your fingers or another suitable tool to make your own dinosaur.
Have a Roar-some day!!!
Today is SUPERHERO Day!
First of all, have a look at some of these classic superhero theme tunes to get you in the mood!
Now, every superhero needs a special mask to hide their identity! Can you make one using the idea below as a guide?
Once your mask is complete it’s time to become a real superhero! Can you dance along to these super songs?
Superheroes Unite
Just Dance Video:
The pictures below show the superhero activities you can take part in today. Choose as many as you like and have fun!
1. Build a trap
2. Make a potion
3. Small world or role play ‘Superheroes’.
4. Make a shield
We can’t wait to see what you get up to!
Ahoy Shipmates!
Everyday this week we are going to base our activities around a different theme!
First of all, can you read or watch the story ‘Penguins make bad pirates.
I wonder how you felt about that story. Did you like it? What was your favourite part?
Next, can you get musical? You can…
Become a pirate by singing this song:
Play Just Dance- Pirates
Listen to the silly pirate song.
Now, the pictures show the pirate activities you can take part in today.
1. Build a boat and test if it floats or sinks.
2. Build a pirate ship
3. Make a telescope
4. Write a message in a bottle
5. Walk the plank!
Choose as many as you like and have fun!
We can’t wait to see what you get up to!
It’s Friday!! Well done for making it through the week.
Today we have a nice fun challenge for you to kick off the weekend. We are going to look at farm produce!
Can you think of any items in your home that come from the farm? Do you own a warm woolly jumper? Did you have milk on your cereal this morning?
Today your task is to look around your home and find any items that may have come from the farm! (The fridge might be a good place to start).
Can you write a list of the items that you find and tell us what animal produced it?
I wonder what your favourite thing will be! Remember there are lots of different types of farms around the world too!
Have a look at the examples to help you think!
We look forward to seeing what you find!
When I was little, I hoped to be a teacher one day and I achieved my dream!
we would love to hear about what you want to be when you grow up! For your second task, today can you draw a picture to show us?
Have a fabulous weekend!
Good morning everyone, I hope you are all well today!
Today we are going to do some very exciting maths! We are going to create a pictogram! We use pictograms to see what is the most and least popular of something.
We are going to create a pictogram about the farm. Have a look at the worksheet attached. You could print it and cut and stick the animals or you could draw out your own version and use the worksheet as an example- it is up to you!
Then can you use your pictogram to decide on the most and least popular farm animals.
Below is some data we collected for you to use to help input your information.
Cat 4
Dog 5
Sheep 3
Pig 6
Goat 0
Cow 2
Horse 5
Your second task is to create a self portrait using different materials. Have a look at the example below to help you! I wonder if we can guess who is who!
Welcome to Wednesday (the middle of the week)!
Well I managed to pick out lots of CVC words from our music lesson yesterday! I wonder if you did too?
Today we are going to do some writing! And our writing today is going to be about all of our favourite subject… Ourselves!
Firstly, can you listen to and sing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9oMEprjoRU
Isn’t it so amazing that we are all different and that we like different things! We have different interests, likes, dislikes, hopes and dreams.
Can you get a mirror and have a look at yourself- what makes you special and unique? Is it your hair colour? Maybe the colour of your skin? Can you speak a different language?
Today we would like you to produce a poster all about you! Have a look at the examples below to get some ideas!
Also, today could you make a farm animal using objects you can find around your home? Have a look at the pictures below to help you!
We can’t wait to hear all about you!
Have fun!
Happy Tuesday!
Today is an exciting day of the week because today we get to show off our musical talents!
For music today, we are going to explore stories and sounds.
The song is called ‘The bat and the cat’ and is sung to the tune of the ‘Farmer’s in his dell’. If you are not familiar with the song have a listen to the link below:
And here is an instrumental to sing along with..
We sing….
The bat and the cat are fat, the bat and the cat are fat,
Lets sing it all again, the bat and the cat are fat.
Then we are going to change the words to incorporate the sentences:
The pet I met got wet…
The pin and bin are tin…
The pot is not so hot…
The bug will tug the rug…
I wonder if you can pick out the CVC words in the song? E.g. ‘cat’ or ‘bat’. Could you write them down?
Have a fantastically musical day!
Also, have a look at the Sports Day page. Can you practise the skills that Miss Flisher has set you?
Good morning and welcome to week 6 of Term 6! You have been working fantastically hard on your home-learning over the past few weeks and we are very proud of you all!
Now, are you ready for another week?
To kick off this week, today we would like you to play a little game of ‘hide and seek’ at home. Your task is to hide some toy animals and write some clues to help someone in your family find them!
You could write clues such as ‘take 10 steps across the garden’ or ‘open the second drawer’.
To get you in the mood, have a listen to this song called ‘hide and seek’
This task is all about testing your teamwork and communication skills as well as letting you practise your writing when making the clues!
Later this week we are going to look at farm animals and what they produce! Can you look at this video today to prepare yourselves and complete the farm produce matching sheet too!
Have a marvellous Monday!
It’s Friday!! Well done for making it through the week.
Yesterday you planned your own farm story. Today it is time to start writing it! How will you start your story…think of different openers such as ‘One sunny morning….’ or ‘On a farm far, far away….’
Remember to use your finger spaces and full stops, and also read your work back to check it makes sense and that you haven’t missed any words out.
I cannot wait to read your wonderful stories.
After you have finished writing your story. I would like you to look at farms from different countries. Can you talk about the similarities and differences between them? Maybe you could even write a list of them. Do you know which countries different things are grown in for example where does coffee come from? Or even bananas?
Have a wonderful weekend!!
Good morning everyone, I hope you are all well today!
Wouldn’t it be great to spend a whole day on the farm? I wonder what would you do if you were a farmer for a day?
First of all watch this story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCvP4b5N0tk
Then I would like you to plan your own story about a day on the farm, maybe you will be the farmer or even an animal? Have a look at some ways of planning a story, it will be great to see which way you choose.
I wonder…what is your favourite farm animal? Do you know any interesting facts about this animal? Today I would like you to research your favourite farm animal, you may use books, an Alexa or the internet. Write down some facts, or make a poster about this animal. I cannot wait to see all the interesting information you find!
Have a super day
Welcome to Wednesday (the middle of the week)!
Wow, I don’t know about you but I loved the music yesterday and enjoyed getting active for our P.E. Today, I would like you to have a go at weighing objects. Don’t worry if you don’t have scales at home here are some balance scales that you can make yourself.
Once you have found, or made, your scales it is time to get weighing. Find some objects in your house and place them on the scales. Can you talk about these things when weighing: what has happened to the scales? Why has this happened? What does this tell you about the objects? Which is heavier which is lighter?
After you have been busy weighing, why not watch this episode of Numberjacks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrLIai7Wtls
The second thing I would like you to do today is to get creative and make your own farm animal, here are some ideas:
First of all plan what you are going to make, and which materials you are going to use. Next, get busy making! I can’t wait to see your creations.
Have a fantastic day!
Hello, hello!!
Today it is time to get musical! First, start by warming up your voices and mouth by singing along to this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LIRSTEtqCg
Next I would like you to play a game with others in your home, pass round a toy and say these words: “Jamaquack, jamaquack, jamaquack jive, jamaquack quacks when the clock strikes five, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
When you land on 5, the person who is holding the toy makes a sound and everyone else has to copy!
Now it is time to get active!! I would like you to either draw or make some large zig zag lines, they can be different sizes and even different styles for example you may have a curved zig-zag. Next, find a ball and move it along the lines, is it tricky? Once you have done this on each line use a bat to move the ball along each line making sure you keep it under control.
Have a super day!
Good morning and welcome to week 5 of Term 6, I cannot believe how quickly these weeks are going. How are you getting on with your home learning? It would be great to hear from you about how you are doing, or for you to send us some of the work you have been doing at home (which I am sure is amazing!).
Last week I read the story ‘What the Ladybird heard’ and whilst reading it I noticed the map of a farm. From the map it is very clear to see where the different animals are on the farm, can you describe where the different animals are? For example, the horse is next to the pond. Then, I would like you to have a go at drawing your own map of a farm, it may be one that you have visited, one you have looked at on the computer, or one of your own. Maybe you could write a set of instructions for the route to take around the farm.
Do you know this song? https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/nursery-rhymes-old-macdonald-had-a-farm/zn9vhbk
Have a practise of singing the song, then maybe you could sing it on your own adding in different animals from the farm. Why not record yourself singing on a phone or tablet.
Have a marvellous Monday!
I hope you have had a fantastic week of home-learning!
I LOVE STRAWBERRIES- I wonder what your favourite fruit or vegetable is?
Today I would like you to sort your favourite fruits and vegetables. Have a look at the video below…
Superfoods fruit and vegetables song to get you started.
Then, take a look at the picture below can you sort the fruits and vegetables into their own section? You could copy the names and have a go at drawing them too!
Good Luck!
Have a wonderful weekend and have lots of fun!
Hello there everyone! Wow, isn’t this week going quickly….
Today I would like you to get arty! I wonder if you can design and make your own tractor?
Have a look at this video to get some inspiration…
I wonder if you could write me some facts about your tractor too? How fast does it go? What does it do on the farm? Does it have any special features?
You could use building blocks/lego or junk modelling to make your tractor, or perhaps you would prefer to complete your design on paper using paint or pen! – the choice is yours!
We can’t wait to see all your great designs!
Have a fantastic day!!
Good morning, and welcome to the middle of the week!
I hope you are feeling happy and excited after yesterday’s music task!
Today, we are going to do some maths. Our maths task is to sequence and order familiar events.
As you know, we are taking extra care and attention of our health at the moment, one of the ways we are doing this is by washing our hands regularly.
I wonder if you could sequence the order for washing your hands!
Have a go at this game first:
Below is a sequencing activity for you. Can you cut and stick the pictures into the correct order? If you are unable to print you could draw your own (in the correct order).
Did you read the story of Farmer Duck last week? Whilst reading it we thought about how unkind it was of the Farmer to make the duck do all the hard work on the farm. We would like you to write a letter of apology pretending to be the Farmer. How will you start your letter? Will it be to or dear? Then think about what the Farmer is saying sorry for, what could he suggest to do to make the duck happier?
Have a fabulous day!
Hello everyone, how are you today?
I hope you had a chance to get creative yesterday whilst making your baby animal posters! Today I have another creative task for you!
Firstly, can you listen and learn the song ‘The farmers in the dell’.
Have a look here:
Once you have practised the song your next task is to look for some objects around your home that you could use as musical instruments. Can you find objects that represent the sounds the farm animals make? I wonder what you could use to make the sound of a horse clip-clopping? What could you use to make the sound of a duck splashing?
We would love you to send us some videos or pictures of you and your instruments! We will try and guess what farm animals you have chosen!
Have a wonderful day
Good Morning, I hope you had a wonderful weekend.
As you know we have been learning all about the farm! Today, I wondered if you could find out about the baby animals that live on the farm.
To get you started have a look at this video:
(The baby animal song)
Your task is to create a poster to show the different farm animals and their babies! I wonder if you could label them too! You can get creative with your poster, perhaps you could use colouring pencils, paint or maybe even some materials to collage.
We are really looking forward to seeing your wonderful creations!
Have a fab day!
It’s the end of the week! We have reached Friday, start today by having a little dance to this:
Yesterday, you listened to the story of ‘Farmer Duck’ and made your own puppets, which we must say were amazing!! Today can you use your puppets to retell the story? Maybe you could get someone else in your home to record you retelling the story using them.
For R.E today we would like you to listen to the Sikh story of: The milk and Jasmine flower Guru Granth Sahib: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCVzaDGx5DM
After listening to the story I wonder if you could make your own Prem prashad biscuits to share with others Or…make welcome signs and invitations for other to eat the biscuits. Then, think about how it would make you feel if others came to share the biscuits with you.
Have a wonderful weekend and make sure you rest.
Hello everyone!! How are you all today?
This term our core text for Literacy is ‘Farmer Duck’. Today we would like you to listen to the story, or if you have the book you can read it. Here is a link to the story read by Michael Rosen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wn4b9AqiUbw Once you have listened to the story, talk about the characters in it, then have a go at making your own puppets. Here are some ideas for different ways you can make your puppets, but if you would like a template follow this link: https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t-t-6841-farmer-and-duck-stick-puppets
Then we would like you to have a think about healthy eating, what foods do you know that are healthy or unhealthy? Can you start by making a list or sorting different food in your house? Then watch: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zrd4d2p and discuss what choices the boy made, were they good choices to make?
Next, we would like you to plan your own healthy plate of food. You may want to draw this, decorate a paper plate, or make it using playdough.
Have a fabulous Thursday!!
Good morning everyone and welcome to the middle of the week. How is your home learning going?
Today for Maths it would be great if you could to some work on finding one more and one less of numbers. Here are some ideas of ways you may want to practise this:
After you have completed one of these activities, or one of your own, watch this episode of Number blocks about finding one more: https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b08c001f/numberblocks-series-1-another-one
It was great to see your work on the life cycle of a chick on Monday. Today, can you have a go at creating some art work of chicks. Here are some ideas you can use, I really like the painting using a fork.
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Hello everyone!! It was so lovely to see the beautiful work you did on the life cycle of a chick, well done!
Today, let’s start the day with something musical. First we would like you to play some copy-cat rhythm games.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNjcdfZu3c0 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jz6yP5r0e0A.
Next, find some instruments in your house (these don’t have to be real ones, it can be pots and pans and anything that makes different noises). Then play it and talk about the effect it makes, then play the different sounds altogether and talk about the sounds created now.
Then, let’s get active!! Why not set up your own ‘Sports day’ at home. You could have a go at running races, egg and spoon races, or even an obstacle course. There are even more ideas here, for how you and your family can enjoy sports together at home:
After you have done your ‘sports day’ maybe you could write about it for us.
Enjoy, and have a super day!!
Hello everyone!!
We hope you had a lovely weekend, wasn’t it lovely to see and enjoy some sunshine? It was much nicer than the cold, wet, rain we had at the end of last week.
Usually, at this time of the school year we would have some very cute, fluffy additions to the class. However, this has not been possible this year. Today, it would be great if you could learn about the life cycle of a chick. First start by watching this video about the life cycle of a chick: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jvbsZGGe6s
Then have a go at drawing or writing about the life cycle, here are some ideas of ways you could do this:
The second activity we would like you do is to have a go at making your own farm building. You may choose to use Lego, bricks or do some junk modelling.
Have a fantastic day!
Hello there everyone!
Although it is a bit cloudy today, we have had some lovely weather! To celebrate this beautiful weather, I think we should have a sing- along.
Have a look at the clips below. We are going to practise some familiar songs. Can you guess what they’re about?... The Farm of course!!
This afternoon, why not continue to practise your ball skills? Has your catching improved? I have got much better at catching with one hand, can you?
Have a fantastic day!!
Good morning, and welcome to the middle of the week!/
Did you listen to the animal sounds yesterday? I bet you guessed them/ all correctly!
I wonder, do you know where the different farm animals sleep on the farm? Does a pig sleep in a coop? Does a cow sleep in the sty?
Have a look at the ‘farm animal homes’ document below to find out.
Today, I wonder if you could use some construction materials to make a home for a farm animal. You could use Lego, building blocks or maybe some junk modelling!
Have a great time designing your homes and I can’t wait to see what you get up too!
Hello everyone, how are you today?
As you know our topic this term is ‘On the farm’ so it made me wonder if you had ever been to the farm?
Perhaps you could have a look at this video to help you. Listen carefully to the sounds, can you guess what animal is making them?
Your task for today is to make a list of your favourite farm animals and draw a picture to go with it.
I am really looking forward to seeing your writing and wonderful pictures.
Have you been on Mathletics this week? If not don’t forget to have a go at some of the activities you haven’t tried yet.
Have Fun!
Good Morning Everyone! Welcome to week 2 of Term 6!
Today, we would like you to do some Maths. Your task is to estimate different amounts (estimate means make a sensible guess!)
Have a look at this episode of Sesame Street called the ‘Estimation Vacation’ to get you started.
Your task…
1.Can you fill some jars/ cups or containers with different objects?
2. Can you take a quick look at the container and ‘estimate’ how many objects are inside?
3. Can you count how many objects there actually are?
Remember to record your results and send us some pictures!
We would also like you to explore different types of technology in your house. Perhaps you could take a photo using a camera, phone or tablet, or maybe you want to record your own video of something.
Have a wonderful day!
It’s FRIDAY!! Which means….tomorrow is Saturday which is the weekend. I wonder what do you have planned for the weekend? Are you going on an exciting walking adventure? Are you having something special for dinner? Have a think and a chat with your family, what will you be doing? Can you then write a few sentences about this for me and draw a picture. How will you start your sentences, can you start each one a different way, for example ‘At the weekend I will….’, ‘On Saturday I…’, ‘I am going to…’
Don’t forget these important things when writing (I know sometimes it is easy to forget these!)
Hello there everyone! Wow, isn’t this week going quickly….
Today I would like you to get musical! Why not start by singing some nursery rhymes, or maybe even have a dance and a sing to one of your favourite songs. Then see if you can follow these two songs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTmk_ADNOgg and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXZWgOf2lSA (this one makes me smile). Then why not challenge the others in your house to a game of ‘Don’t clap this one back’!! Remember when you hear this one being clapped, put your hands behind your back!!
Then, let’s get those muscles moving and practise some throwing and catching, can you also roll a ball? What other ways are there of making a ball move?
Have a fantastic day!!
03/06/2020 Good morning, and welcome to the middle of the week! How did you get on with ordering numbers yesterday? I saw some children took on the challenge and went beyond 20, well done!! Today, I would like you to focus on counting carefully. Remember when we count we need to say one number name for each object, so that our counting is accurate. Why not have a go at counting objects in the house, you may count the number of cars you have, or how many shoes each person in your home has, I wonder who has the most? Can you then write the numbers? If you are looking for a challenge why not see if you can count in 2s! A good way to do this would be to count socks or shoes.
Then I would like you to get creative!! Can you use different materials to make a mask of a farm animal? This video teaches you how to make some animals masks using paper plates: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYX_9aa92bo
Enjoy getting creative and don’t forget to send us a photo of you wearing your mask!!
Hello everyone, how are you today?
So, it is now Term 6 and a new term means a new topic, and our new topic is…..‘On The Farm’. We are going to be thinking lots about different animals and things that happen on a farm. Today I would like you to just have a think about this question….What do you already know about the farm? Perhaps then you would like to write the things you know, or create a picture. After you have thought of all the things you know about being on the farm, why not watch an episode of ‘Down on the Farm’ on Cbeebies: https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/shows/down-on-the-farm?page=2
Today, I would also like you to have a think about one of your friends, what makes them a good friend? Then I would like you to make something for your friend it may be a friendship bracelet or you may even make a picture or decorate a pebble for them.
Have a wonderful day
Hello Jays!
Happy Friday to you all!
I am so pleased with all the hard work you have been doing at home. You have all been amazing!
Now it is time to take a break and enjoy a relaxing half term. I wonder what you will get up to? I am really looking forward to hearing all your news soon!
Today, to celebrate all of your achievements this term- could you have a little disco at home? I have put up some of our favourite dances for you to have a boogie to!
Have fun, stay safe and enjoy your Half Term!
Hello Jays!
Today I would like you to have a go at subtracting numbers.
Firstly you can have a look at some singing number rhymes to get you started. www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/nursery-rhymes-counting
Then, I wrote out the numbers 1-10 onto card. I chose a card from the higher numbers and a card from the lower numbers. I used some counters to help me make my big number (you can use anything you have at home, e.g. beads, buttons, pegs). I then took away the amount from my small number card. Lastly, I wrote my answer into a number sentence.
I wonder how many subtraction number sentences you can write!
Have fun!
Good morning EVERYONE!
For today's home learning, we would like you to explore maps! Have you ever used a map? Do you have any maps at home?
Here are the 2 things we would like you to do today:
1) Technology: See if you can find a place you visit often on google maps. I searched for the school. Can you then take a picture or screenshot of this?
2) Maps: I would like you to have a go at making/drawing your own map. Below is an example of the map I made. I decided I wanted my map to look like a Pirate’s treasure map, so I used a tea bag to make it brown and then I ripped some of the edges. I then waited for it to dry and drew my map.
Have fun, we cannot wait to see them!
Good Morning Jays!
For dinner last night I got out some of my cook books to look for a recipe that included vegetables. I had a look through and wrote down some ingredients that I liked the look of. Then I had a go at making my own ‘vegetable dish’. I did the same this morning and found some ingredients that I would like to have for lunch.
I wonder if you could have a look at some different recipes today and invent your own dish involving vegetables. You don’t have to make it! You could draw a picture of what you think it would look like with labels or you could write a description of it.
Here are some websites to get you started:
Have fun and I can’t wait to see some of your ideas
Good morning!
Today I would love it if you could learn some names of 3D shapes (you can follow some of the links below to help you), then go on a shape hunt in your home (this link here can help you if you get stuck https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t-n-928-every-day-3d-shapes-powerpoint) Which shape do you find the most of? Then you can have a go at writing some labels for each shape, if you are looking for more of a challenge can you describe the shape (how many faces does it have and what shapes are they?)
Enjoy shape hunting!!
Links to help you:
Exploreshapes: http://resources.hwb.wales.gov.uk/VTC/building_game/eng/Introduction/default.htm https://classroomsecrets.co.uk/free-eyfs-what-3d-shapes-can-you-see-iwb-activity/ https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zps34wx
Watch this episode of Numberjacks, which 3D shapes can you see and name? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAtyECElzeM
Good Morning Jays!
I hope you had a lovely weekend in the sunshine!
Today, your challenge is to 'Move like wildlife'. Can you put some music on and move like different animals? Can you wiggle like a worm? Can you hop like a rabbit?
Have a look at the videos below to get you started.
You can also have a look at BBC Lets Move (there are 3 episodes to this).
Enjoy your day!
Hello Jays!
I have a little project for you to do today and over the long weekend. I would like you to make a mini beast hotel using natural objects.
Have a look at https://www.wildlifewatch.org.uk/Activity-Sheets for some helpful tips and ideas and have a look at the pictures below to help you as well!
Remember to send me your pictures to jays@archbishopcourtenay.kent.sch.uk
I can't wait to see what you come up with!
Have a fun, safe weekend!
Hello Everyone!
Today we would like you to spend some time sitting quietly and still (a bit tricky sometimes I know). We would like to you to look at all the different wildlife you can see around you.
You may like to spend some time sitting in the garden, on your balcony, looking out of the window, or even when you are out on a walk and just look at all the wonderful wildlife around you. Maybe you could write a list of the wildlife you can see or hear!
Then we would like you to make a poster of all the things you have seen. Make it bright and colourful!!
Have fun we would love to print some of your wonderful posters to use in our outdoor area at school. We think they would look fabulous.
Hello Jays!
I hope you had a lovely weekend!
This week in maths we are going to be learning capacity.
Capacity means the amount a container can hold.
I used some lentils to fill some containers up to different amounts.
Nearly full
Half full
Nearly empty
I wrote out some cards with these amounts on then tried to match them to the correct container. I wonder if you could have a go at this at home?
You can use any container that you like- they don’t all have to be the same size and you can use anything to fill them up!
You could also have a look at this Numberjacks clip called the ‘container drainer’ to help you.
Hello Jays!
I have been super impressed with all your home learning this week you really have been amazing! I am very proud of you! To celebrate all your hard work this week, have a go at dancing along to the video below and celebrate it being Friday!
Have Fun!
Your challenge for today comes into our 'Understanding the World' area of learning.
Here it is...
I am trying to grow some herbs on my window sill and it made me wonder...
‘What do plants need to grow?’
Today, I would like you to make me a picture of a plant and draw all the things it needs to grow, it would be great if you could include some labels too!
I even took some photos of the plants I have growing in my house- I’d love to see some of yours. 🌿🌹🌲🌼
To get you started have a look at the YouTube clip below and the example photos!
Have fun!
Good Morning Jays!
Yay, it's a lovely, bright day again today!
I have a very exciting task for you to complete.
FSE Design are looking for students to design a banner which thanks and shows support to the NHS and key workers, for their dedication and hard work during this pandemic.
They will pick 5 winners, who will have their artwork recreated by our talented designers and printed on to a big 3x1m banner for us to proudly attach to our school gates!
To enter, you simply need to take a photograph of your completed worksheet and email it to hello@fsedesign.co.uk alongside their full name, age and details of their school.
The closing date is Friday 8th May at 5pm! Winners will be announced on Monday 11th May!
For more information, please visit the website www.fsedesign.co.uk and follow their Facebook and Twitter pages for updates.
You can find a copy of the design worksheet below. Good Luck!
Good Morning Jays!
Isn't it a shame about the miserable weather today? Hopefully it will be sunny and bright again soon!
This week in Literacy we are going to be writing descriptions of our perfect gardens. I wonder what you would like to have in yours? Maybe a huge climbing frame or a swimming pool with lots of cool water slides!
I would love to see what you come up with. Draw me a picture of your perfect garden and then write me some sentences to describe it. I would love you to have a go at doing the writing yourself too! Have a look at the pictures below-some ideas to get you started.
Have fun!
Hello Jays!
I hope you had a lovely, relaxing weekend in the beautiful sunshine!
This week in maths we are going to be ordering the days of the week.
Today, I wrote out each day onto a strip of paper, I then put them into the correct order. After, I made some cards that say 'today', 'tomorrow' and 'yesterday', I attached them to the correct day of the week. I am going to change these everyday!
I wonder if you could have a go at this at home! You could even try saying them out loud E.g. "Today is Monday, tomorrow will be Tuesday, yesterday was Wednesday".
Have a look at the pictures below to guide you. I also had a listen to the days of the week song to remind me of the order, you can find the video below!
Have fun!
Dear Parents,
Please take a moment to fill out this survey. We would like to know how you are getting on and if we can support you in anyway. It will take no longer than 5 minutes to complete.
Many Thanks,
Miss Sutherland
Happy Friday Jays!
I hope you have had a lovely week of home-learning!
Now time to have a rest over the weekend. Remember to keep safe and well, look after yourselves and your families. This week in maths we have been ordering numbers. Today, you might like to try out this fun, interactive game to practise what you have learnt!
Also, check out the song below too! :)
Hello my lovely Jays!
I hope you are enjoying the gorgeous weather, keeping well and safe!
Today, I thought you might like to try this 'Cosmic Kids Yoga'. It's all about 'Enzo The Bee'. Perhaps you could have a look for some bees in your garden or through your window afterwards!
Enjoy your day!
Good Morning Jays!
It is a lovely, sunny day again today so I thought i'd give you a bright and uplifting task to do. As you now know our topic this term is 'In the garden' and our story to go alongside it is 'Oliver's Vegetables'.
Can you have a sing-along for me today? Below are some songs all about the garden (including vegetables), I wonder if you can learn them!
Have a fun day!
Good Morning Jays!
I hope you had a wonderful Half Term and Easter!
Today, we would have started our new topic for Term 5 called 'In the Garden'.
Have a look at the story below, It's called 'Oliver's Vegetables' by Vivian French. Can you write a list of the vegetables that Oliver grows? Can you write about the vegetables that you like/dislike? Can you tell your family about the story and what you thought of it?
Also, have a look at the pictures below. Can you draw a picture of your garden? Or perhaps you'd prefer to draw an imaginary garden! It's up to you! I can't wait to see your ideas. Remember, you can send them to me at jays@archbishopcourtenay.kent.sch.uk
Have Fun!
Miss Sutherland
My Lovely Jays,
I want to wish you all a very Happy Easter. I hope you have a peaceful and relaxing break, have fun with your families and stay safe. I am so proud of you for getting on with your home learning so well and it has been really lovely to see your comments and pictures. We will not be posting anything for the next couple of weeks on our blog or through Tapestry- you can have a proper rest without worrying about school.
I really hope to see you all soon as I miss you tremendously!
Enjoy your Easter break!
Best Wishes
Miss Sutherland
Hello Jays! Today, I wanted to share with you some fantastic work by Aisha. She created a shop at home, labelled her items with price tags and used coins to make the correct amounts. Well Done Aisha! Super home learning!
Happy Wednesday Jays!
This week we were going to be learning about money. I decided to make a shop at home and pay for my snacks.
First I wrote a shopping list.
Then I added some price tags.
After I found the correct amount of coins to pay for my snack.
Then I decided to try and make the amounts in different ways. For example instead of using a 10p coin for my crisps I used two 5p pieces.
I wonder if you could have a go at doing this at home? You don't have to use snacks, maybe you would prefer to have a toy shop instead.
Remember to keep sending me your pictures to Jays@archbishopcourtenay.kent.sch.uk
Happy Shopping!
Miss Sutherland
Hello Jays!
I Hope you are all having a lovely week so far. I would love to share some amazing work with you. Jan has been working very hard at home. He has been writing tricky words, practicing the phonics sound 'zz', making Easter Eggs, ordering numbers, reading and lots more!
Fantastic home learning Jan, Well Done!
Happy Monday Jays!
Hope you have had a lovely, relaxing weekend.
Today I thought we should start off the week with some fun, energetic dances to get us ready and raring to go for another week of home learning!
You can try.....
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOT29Urisp4 - Banana Boogie
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwKUv0L3xtc - Pizza Dough Boogie
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Parej8Fi0es - Big Blue Whale
Have fun and keep smiling!
Miss Sutherland
Hey Jays!
So, Aisha and Ruby S had a very exciting weekend baking! Aisha made some cupcakes and some Carrot Cake. Ruby S made some Swirls and even had a go at making Banana Bread!
Well Done Girls!
Oliver has been working super hard this week, completing his home learning pack. He has been practising writing his numbers and learning about capacity. Fantastic work Oliver- Keep it up!
Hey Jays!
It's Friday-Hooray! Hope you are all happy and well, still enjoying the sunshine and looking forward to the weekend!
This week in maths we are going to be learning about capacity this means; the amount something can hold.
These are some of the words we can use when exploring capacity:
nearly full, full, half full, nearly empty, empty.
Today I made some banana bread. I had to measure my ingredients into cups. Some steps needed full cups, some needed half cups. I wonder if you could have a go at making something with your families at home? I would love to see some pictures and hear about what you have done. I followed a recipe by Allrecipes.com called ' How to make Banana Bread'. I baked my bananas first to soften them (they go black!) and added some raisins and honey too! Above are some pictures of my attempt (I'm sure you will do a much better job than me!)
Happy Baking!
Miss Sutherland
Jan read a poem called "A small dragon" by Brian Patten today. He drew a picture of his own dragon and labelled it! Fantastic work Jan, Well Done!
Morning Jays, Happy Thursday! Mr Webster wanted to share an idea with you and say hello!
Good morning Jays, I hope you are all well and safe. The sun is shining once again. We know exercise is an amazing tool to help us feel happier and more energised, which is why this week I have been joining in with 'The Body Coach Joe Wicks on Youtube. It starts at 9am for a fun 30 minute workout, even your adults can get involved. Its load of fun and will get your brain ready for the rest of the day. I would love to hear, see pictures or videos on Tapestry of you having a great time working out with Joe Wicks.
Have a great day Jays and keep safe!
Mr Webster
Good Afternoon Jays, I thought you might like to share this prayer with your families. Maybe you could talk about any worries or concerns you have at this present time and give thanks for each other.
The doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked. (John 20.19)
Ever present God,
be with us in our isolation,
be close to us in our distancing,
be healing in our sickness,
be joy in our sadness,
be light in our darkness,
be wisdom in our confusion,
be all that is familiar when all is unfamiliar,
that when the doors reopen
we may with the zeal of Pentecost
inhabit our communities
and speak of your goodness
to an emerging world.
For Jesus’ sake.
Good Morning Jays! It's another lovely day today. I hope you are keeping safe and well. Today, you might like to have a look at this website.
It has some fantastic, fun stories for you to share with your families, you can even listen in different languages! You can email me or post on Tapestry to tell me which stories were your favourite!
Have a fabulous day!
Miss Sutherland
Hello Jays and welcome to our Class blog!
As of yet we do not know how long we will be off school for, that's why we have made you a pack of work and given you ideas of some great websites. We really want you to continue with all the great progress you have made so far this year so please do all you can to continue your learning at home
You will have seen today that we are adding lots of lovely things to Tapestry, this will happen daily and will consist of a daily phonics lesson and a fun maths/Literacy/PE/Music activity. Also please login to Tapestry at 3.15 each day for story time with either myself or Mrs Eades, if you want to read us a story that would also be lovely.
Remember to keep safe and keep smiling!