Thursday 25th June 2020
Wake up! It's time to do our learning activities! Today-a review of Giraffe's can't dance, comparing amounts of money and hot and cold biomes around the world!
First, a prayer for the day to start, and then a shake up for a superhero-have you got what it takes to collect all the items on the run? Let's go!
Click the IMAGE above to go to the Department for Education's phonics lessons!
Soumya's and Mrs Finn’s group
watch the 10:00 am video for phase 3 & 4
All other groups, including Mr Hazelby’s
watch the 10.30 am video for phase 5
If videos, don’t play, you can still go to phonics to practise there!
What do we like about the story Giraffes Can’t Dance? Can we write a book review?
Giraffes can’t dance. When we review a book, we usually say what is good about the story, funny, easy or well expressed. We look at how the words are used: rhyme, alliteration, description and decide how these help to engage the reader and what effect they have. We can also talk about the weaker elements of the writing-ideas, words or things that didn’t make sense to us or we found a bit uninteresting. If we have a question for the author, we might ask it in our review. Finally, we would either recommend the book to readers or explain why it isn’t an interesting book to read. Remember: explain your reasons for what you say and always think about who and what age group would enjoy the book the most!
Get on Times Tables Rock stars to practice your 2s, 3s, 4s, and 5s!
As a challenge: 6's, 7's and 8's
Remember: practice makes perfect so even if you know these, keep practising so you don't forget! You could also try Mathletics and choose an area of maths there: this week we're looking at money so see if there's some extra Mathletics practice on money. The four questions today can be copied onto paper by printing or by you copying them. There's also some further arithmetic practice on our weekly SATs paper below but you only need to do 2 or 3 questions a day from this. Let's get our maths head on...
That's all for Thursday Time to rest after a successful Learning day! Don't forget to e-mail your work to have it put up on the website under the home learning spiral on the main page! See you again for another day of activities tomorrow!