
Archbishop Courtenay Primary School

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Archbishop Courtenay Primary School

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Friday 22nd January 2021

We have made it to the end of the week, give yourselves a round of applause. There are no live lessons today but there is a pre-recorded one for our science topic,  and the last PSHE lesson on Teams, head over and have a look!

Let’s start the day with some movement; Click the image and get celebrating Friday!

Celebrate - Blazer Fresh | GoNoodle


Its Friday and that means one thing – Arithmetic test!  Have a look below for your groups work.  Don’t forget they are also on Teams if you want to do it online.  Give it a go and you will get feedback about how to improve next time, it’s the best way to learn!

Year 3:




Year 4:



Mrs Bourdillon’s Group:



Then have a look at the following site to practise your times tables.


It will start you with only 6 seconds for each question – change that to up to 10 ten seconds, no cheating!  See how your score is and next time try to beat it.

Then why not have a go at TTRockstars or hit the button



Challenge someone in your family and see who can score the highest marks!




These are your spellings for this week;

accident, believe, certain, describe, eight,

February, heard, island, notice, probably


Can you ask someone in your home to read out the words and give you a test on writing out the words?



These are your spellings for this week;

scene, seen, mail, male, bawl, ball, leek, leak, flour, flower


Can you ask someone in your home to read out the words and give you a test on writing out the words? Make sure they put them in to sentences to ensure you use the right spellings.

SPAG: Dialogue and speech

Following on from yesterday, can you correct this conversation between two characters? 


“Hello, Bob. said Steve”

“Hi Steve, how are you”? replied Bob

I’m ok thanks said steve.  “Did you see the film last night?”

“no, answered Bob, I went to bed early”



Can you write instructions to help other people remember the rules about using inverted commas?



Reading Skills

Read the following text a few times to an adult then answer the questions that follow it.


LI To use technical vocabulary

The Phoenix Code by Helen Moss

Today we’re listening to chapter 33 of the Phoenix code told by Mrs Irvine

Yesterday you wrote the opening paragraphs to your story.  Read them back out loud to yourselves, or to someone else in the house.  Can you spot any mistakes or improvements you can make?  Reading out loud is a good way to check what you have written.


Once you have made sure your opening is a brilliant as you can make it, carry on with your story.  Make sure you explain the dilemma/problem and that is get solved properly, we don’t want ‘and it was all a dream’ at the end!

Once you have written it, read it back to yourself, does it make sense?  Have you used cliff-hangers?

Don’t forget to send you finished story in either through Teams or via email so your teachers can see your amazing work!

Wider Curriculum: Science

There is a recorded lesson on Teams for this, follow the link to listen to Mrs Bourdillon explain todays lesson.


LI To create and use a classification key to classify invertebrates

This week for science we are going to think about how we could work out what classification an invertebrate is, like the flow chart we did for the vertebrates.  See if you can spot any invertebrates outside, they might be under logs of stones, in long grass or even in the earth itself. If you can’t get outside to find one, pick one that you know of. How can you work out what type of invertebrate it is?  What questions would you ask?  Have a look at the last slide on the powerpoint, does they key work for your invertebrate? Can you create your own flow chart for classifying invertebrates?

Nearly the end of day. Now it’s time for a little quiet, prayer and reflection with our Class worship. Click the candle.





Time for a story to finish our day. Click the image and choose one to read.


Congratulations and well done on getting to the end of the week! We hope you have had an amazing week, well done everyone!

Don’t forget to send your work to the class e-mail address where your teacher will be able to put it on the hub page!

Mr Hazelby  Mrs Bourdillon  Mrs Irvine
