Wednesday 6th January 2021
Good morning Upper Key Stage 2. We hope you had a pleasant evening and are rested and recharged ready for today's learning. As you navigate your way through the blog you should find that you can access materials, videos and weblinks to take you to you learning. All additional resources that you may need will be under the subject icons on the main class webpage.
Let's get started with a Wake Up Shake Up task or The Daily Mile
Wake Up Shake Up 2018 - Routine 2 - YouTube
Wake Up Shake Up 2018 - Routine 2 - Bing video
We will begin Term 3 by reviewing our knowledge and understanding of Number and Place Value as this must be secure to help us with all other areas of mathematics.
Main learning: Number and Place Value
Bronze – This is aimed at those who need a bit of a recap on missed learning - Follow the folders on Microsoft Teams or your class page to find the ‘Wednesday Bronze Questions’ and ‘answers’ files. There is additional reasoning included in Wednesday’s folder and Bronze questions are 1-3.
Silver - This is aimed at an expected year 5 standard -
Follow the folders on Microsoft Teams or your class page to find the ‘Wednesday Silver Questions’ and ‘answers’ files. There is additional reasoning included in Wednesday’s folder and Bronze questions are 4-6.
Gold - This is aimed at an expected year 6 standard -
Follow the folders on Microsoft Teams or your class page to find the ‘Wednesday Gold Questions’ and ‘answers’ files. There is additional reasoning included in Wednesday’s folder and Bronze questions are 7-9.
Sound sort – as Monday – select a different sound
To help you practice and build your confidence with your spellings this week please choose one of the activities below:
Spelling Games
Pupils practise spellings under Wednesday on the sheet.
Read the above newspaper advert that Ernest Shackleton placed in a newspaper in 1913!
Next, write down a synonym (a different word that means the same) for each of the words in bold below. You can use a dictionary or use:
The cliffs near the sea, where the rocks were constantly tumbling down, were very hazardous.
The workers were not happy with their wages. They could not afford a holiday.
The temperature was bitterly cold so the men zipped up their jackets.
It is doubtful that I will win the lottery next week.
She was given a lot of honour and recognition for her amazing charity work in her community.
Watch this video:
Play to 2:50 ONLY!!
Using the helpful word writing mats in the English tab to help you write a more detailed job advert.
E.g. Instead of 'Men wanted to hazardous journey' you could write -> brave souls wanted to embark on a perilous journey across land and sea.
Today you will start your learning journey topic of Frozen Kingdoms. Unfortunately, due to lockdown we cannot take you to the Artic Circle in the north or the frozen Antarctic in the south - the best we can offer at the moment is a penguin biscuit and a trip to your freezer!
Today your task is to use globes, atlases and google maps to find and name both polar regions and other significant geographical features of the world - it's important to know where they are and which countries and seas boarder them. Make a simplified global map on paper showing the locations of these features. Add a key for information. Identify and record the longitude and latitude of both polar regions, specifically the geographic North Pole and South Pole. may help you.
In addition you could have a go at creating your own personalised Frozen Kingdom knowledge organiser focusing on the geography and vocabulary elements of today's task and upload these to Teams or email them to your class teacher - we'd love to see your work.
Today you need to complete slides 10-18 on Power Point 3a to develop your understanding of retrieval skills. You can access the book under the reading icon and we will be adding files of Miss Flisher reading the book too.
Have a great day everyone!