History/Writing lesson: The Blitz
Miss Flisher kindly planned this fantastic lesson and shared it with me: thanks Miss Flisher!
Click on the link below and watch the video entitled ‘The Blitz’.
- Watch it once, focusing completely on what is happening in the video without writing notes.
- Watch it a second time – think about the sounds you hear from the video. Maybe even close your eyes to focus completely on the sounds. As you listen, use the worksheet below (or a piece of paper if you don’t have a printer) to write notes about what you can hear. Is it a nice sound? Loud or quiet? How does it make you feel? Can you compare sounds to anything else creating similes? Don’t be afraid to use a thesaurus to expand your vocabulary.
- Now watch the film a third time. Think about what you can see. Describe it. How might you feel? Can you use any personification? Don’t be afraid to use a thesaurus to expand your vocabulary.
- From all of these descriptions, create some noun phrases and expanded noun phrases.
(Noun Phrase –an adjective and a noun e.g. The loud siren.)
(Expanded Noun Phrase The piercingly loud siren which filled the darkening sky with its wail.)
5. Use your notes to write a poem. Do not use rhyme in your poem - I want to read a wonderful description and feel the
emotion of the poet (you).
Now email your poem to Mrs Evans