Term 6 Home Learning
We have seen some beautiful and amazing work coming in from children so far this term. We have been overjoyed by some of the fantastic illustration's you have completed and your written work is absolutely spectacular. You are all doing so well and we are so proud of you all! Keep sending in your work as we really enjoy seeing you all and what you have been doing.
Viktor, Jude and Edward have sent in some super home learning to share with the rest of the class. I can see how hard they have been working on their Maths and English learning, and I am loving the puppets. Super Liverpool finger puppets Jude and WOW those pop-up puppets are fantastic Viktor. Eddy loves working on Science projects with his dad and has sent us some AMAZING photos of the moon and of himself, stargazing. Jude and his family decorated their home and had a tea in their garden to celebrate VE Day on Friday 8th May.
Eddy has sent in some fantastic photos of all he has been doing including extra research and writing on topics of his choice. I love that you enjoy learning so much Eddy - it is a joy to see.
Mrs Bourdillon sent in examples of the things Adam, Amy and Layla have done with her in school too - great job kids!
Swifts you have been amazing this week and I have so enjoyed seeing all that you have been doing. Everyday you impress me with the effort you are putting into your learning at home and how much you are growing and changing. How is your reading coming along? Do you have any books you'd recommend we read? Tell me about them. Keep up the great work and let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.
You know it's not often Mrs Jewell is at a loss for words but Swifts' learning so far this week is so fabulous I'm speechless! Here are some of the comments from their mums and dads:
"Darcy really enjoyed her live phonics on youtube...she has been practising her writing a lot and making sure the tails are below ... Darcy wrote a description of Bella ... added to the diary of her day ... did a timeline of her life with major points and favourite toys and practised division using pasta and circles"
"Jude has had a good day with school work today and he particularly enjoyed the history work...he helped his daddy build a bridge at the weekend in our garden so the boys can get from trampoline to climbing frame without touching the floor."
"Sophie has been working hard on her homework pages, she has listen to the Dogger story and written about Dave and Bella"
"Such a lovely task we had to do today in Maths, English and History. Phonics class video was excellent, Eddy really enjoy it!"
"Viktor has worked so hard investigating his multiplication and division problems"
Home Learning Thursday 23rd April 2020
Wowzers .. the photos from today's learning knocked my socks clean off Swifts!
It is simply wonderful to see and hear all the things you are doing in Home School.
Home Learning Wednesday 23rd April
Another day of fantastic learning from Swifts full of great ideas for representing the 5x table and some wonderfully written conversations between characters. I am blown away by your work Swifts!
I have also had a sneaky peak at the scores on TT Rock Stars and it seems we have two legends in the making ... Well done Jude and Edward you take centre stage with your fantastic scores on the Rock Star board!
Jude enlisted the help of his little brother to create posters to show counting to 100 in fives. WOW boys you are a great example of how to make Maths fun!
Not so subtle HINT We definitely need one of these for our Maths wall in the classroom
Super use of speech marks in your writing Edward and I can see you have used an exclamation mark - that tells me as the reader that Dave was very pleased with the little girl's kindness.
Another super example of how to set out a conversation in our writing. Bobby has written it like a play script. Great use of question marks and explanation marks too Bobby. And what fabulous bubble writing on your 5x tables poster!
Viktor has created this colourful spiral poster to help him visualise and remember his 5 times table. Perhaps you would like to make one too?
Home Learning Tuesday 21st April 2020
I have received a great selection of creative ideas for counting in 2s, thank you Super Swifts and WOW what great posters you've made. I am sure all those lost toys will be returned in no time at all!
Jude C
Jude has created a WISH Jar for all the things he is looking forward to once our #stayathome instructions are finished.
Darcy Bobby
Home Learning - Monday 20th April 2020
I have so enjoyed seeing your favourite toys children. I have shown them to Barely Bear and read all you have written about them to him too.
Jude C
Jude has had wonderful Easter break with his family doing all sorts of super things which he has written about in his diary entry and what a fabulous Thank You poster you've made too Jude!
Jude has been doing his Matheletics activities and reading a lot during the Easter holidays. He has started reading a book called 'Stories for 5 Year Olds' on his own and has been practising the times tables with his mum too.
WOW Jude, how wonderful that you are loving learning and practising your maths skills everyday!
Henry worked hard on his English workbook at home in the last two weeks of Term 4. He also made some fabulous pancakes using his weighing and measuring maths skills. I hope you will show us how to make those pancakes Henry - they look delicious! He has enjoyed crafting and going on walks and bike rides. Henry has been reading with his family and started reading a Diary of a Wimpy Kid book on his own.
WOW what super learning Henry.
I opened my emails again this morning to find a wonderful selection of home learning activities to share with everyone. Keep up the great work.
Viktor and Jude have been adding -ed to verbs
when writing sentences in past tense.
Eddy and Jude have sent in pictures they have drawn of things they are interested in. Edwards' is crazy about Astronomy and so has designed a poster about planets and Jude is a loyal fan of Liverpool football and has drawn Anfield stadium. In my head I can hear Jude and Freddie singing 'We'll never walk alone' when I look at this picture.
So much home learning to share with you today. Will update again this evening.
"Here is Edward’s poem about Pterosaurs, we made an origami one too which we found really challenging but fun. We are still enjoying our learning home time together." How wonderful to hear that Eddy and mum!
Jude has written a brilliant fact poem about an Artgentinosaurus and Bobby has been practicing using and applying his phonics when spelling words.
Jude and Darcy have been using different units of
measurement to measure things around the house, using mathematical language to compare which is longer/shorter, heavier/ lighter or full/empty. Jude created a table to classify and record his findings.
Viktor decided to measure the height and weight of his favourite toy. Viktor used toothpicks to measure the height of his toy. First, Viktor marked a line with his pen on a blank piece of paper, to ensure his measurement was precise. Second, after he placed the toothpicks on the paper, he saw that his toy was two and a half toothpicks long. To find out the weight of his toy, Viktor used our home scale. First, he measured his own weight, which is 23kg and 300g. After that he took his toy and measured his weight again. This time the scale showed 23kg and 900g. With the help of his mum, Viktor found the difference between the two numbers, and worked out the toy to be weighing 600g.
WOW - what fantastic investigating you have been doing Viktor.
Darcy started off her week doing Yoga with her little sister before working on her home learning with her dad. Darcy has been very busy learning new things at home with her family
I think making memories is probably the most important home learning you can do at this time children. Thank you for sharing your memories with us Darcy
Jude has written a brilliant postcard from the Jurassic jungle. I particularly like the word choices he has made to describe the scene. I have to say it would tempt me to take a trip back in time myself, although I'm not sure I would be an brave as Jude hanging about near dinosaurs!
Bobby has been investigating measurement at home. This is what his mum had to say about his learning.
Bobby measured the table side by using a pencil and a piece of string.
He said that the table is 5 pencils long but only 2 strings long. He concluded the string is longer than the pencil.
After that he took a glass and a plastic bowl. He filled the bowl with 2 glasses of water and he decided that the bowl is larger. When both were filled with water the bowl was heavier and the glass was lighter. But when they are empty the glass is heavier.
Fantastic learning Bobby, I really like the way you used comparative language to describe your observations!
I have a mailbox full of exciting learning from Swifts today. First up are a selection of dinosaur
skeletons made from pasta or ear
buds. Don't these look fabulous.
Well done VIktor, Darcy and Jude.
Here's what Darcy has to say about her learning We made a dinosaur and did lots of talking and watched mad about dinosaurs. I really enjoyed it. My favourite dino is Diplodocus who lived 155145 millions years ago, are 27m long, weigh 15 tonnes and eat plants.
Jude C has written a very funny poem about a messy Diplodocus who came to visit.
I really hope it doesn't plan on coming round to my house!
Here's a great idea from Viktor for practising spelling and ordinal numbers in a creative way.
Jude C had sent in some photos of his super learning. So far this week, in addition to his English and Maths learning, he has made a bug house, designed a poster on How Plants Grow, labelled parts of a plant and created a beautiful glitter picture. Well done Jude.
Darcy has designed and labelled a beautiful flower for the
parts of a plant task and Bobby has been doing waterfall words to practice his spellings this week.
Great Learning Darcy & Bobby
Sophie has been working on our Science topic today and has been planting seeds and bulbs. It will be great to watch how they grow and change over time. She has also created and then labelled this super collage of a flower including what it needs to grow. Keep up the great work Sophie
Eddy and Viktor have been trying out the different spelling strategies to help them learn their spellings this week. Here's what Eddy and his mum had this to say about them:
".... great and fun ideas for keeping us motivated on spelling the days of the week. We really had a great time today ... here's Edward’s writing with his opposite hand. He hopes to “make your day and make you laugh a lot about it!" Well you succeeded Eddy - I did laugh A LOT!!
Viktor used the words in a sentence
to help him memorise his spelling.
I really like the way Viktor included ordinal numbers to describe each day's
position in the week!
Super Spelling Boys
And last by not least a wonderful Dinosaur poem written by Viktor.
I so enjoyed opening the class mail box to see emails from some amazing Swifts this morning. Thank you for keeping in touch.
Bobby, Edward and Viktor have done some super science learning.
Here is Bobby's labelled diagram of a flower and Eddy & Viktor's
posters on what plants need to grow. Well done boys!