BBC Children in Need: Design a Duck Competition
From 12th June to the 24th June 2020 BBC Children in Need need your help! They would like you to down load a duck template, design and name a duck and enter it into their annual Duck Sweepstake Race for 2020. Follow the link below for more information and fun.
Animate Art:
YouTube Challenges:
Challenge 1: The Big Gig :
Challenge 2: VE Day:
Challenge 3: The Box Bake Off:
Challenge 4: Wish We Were:
Challenge 5: Creature Comforts:
Kent School Games & the Kent Children's University, in partnership with the School Games Organisers have developed a fantastic resource for primary aged pupils called the "My Active Rainbow Challenge."
The children and families need to complete an activity from each colour of the rainbow, from within the booklet. Once they have completed it, they must colour in that part of the rainbow. Depending on how many complete rainbows/activities they do, they can submit the work and win prizes including Kent School Games Medals! Which are lovely medals!
These challenges could be completed at home or within schools.
A video on how the challenges and booklets work can be found here:
You have the opportunity to write a short 700 word story sharing your experiences and lives as 'Generation Lockdown'. Closing date is 17th July, a selection of authors will be judging the entries. Prizes to be won and the top 5 in each category will be published.
Full details can be found here