
Archbishop Courtenay Primary School

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Archbishop Courtenay Primary School

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...a haven of hope and aspiration...


MFL Lead:Miss George      


At Archbishop Courtenay Primary School we believe in delivering an engaging, effective and high quality MFL curriculum. We seek to further enrich our pupils' knowledge, cultural experiences and curiosity to better understand and appreciate the world in which they live. We believe that through the teaching and learning of Spanish, our pupils will be inspired to develop greater confidence, skill and resilience to read, write, listen and communicate in a different language. It will also develop their knowledge beyond their everyday experiences and equip them with vital skills to engage with the wider world, beyond the classroom.


British Values

Through our Modern Foreign Languages curriculum we seek to promote

  • the fundamental British values of mutual respect and tolerance
  • cultural development and cultural awareness.
  • appreciation of and respect for our multicultural and bilingual school and community.
  • opportunities to explore and value cultural influences on British society
  • participation in cultural experiences to better understand and celebrate diversity.

Our ultimate aim is to prepare children for future opportunities and the responsibilities and experiences of life, so that they can take their place successfully in modern British society.



Learning a modern foreign language provides pupils with the opportunity and skills to connect with people from different nationalities. Thus enabling them to see the world through different eyes and better understand and respect ideas, customs, religious beliefs and ways of life - which may differ from their own. They will be supported to develop their skills of empathy to embrace and celebrate other languages and cultures and a deeper understanding of their own identity and language.



We are excited to be using the comprehensive and progressive Language Angels interactive scheme, to teach Spanish in our school. Interactive teaching resources are presented by native Spanish speakers and a range of differentiated activities seek to inspire and stimulate pupils to acquire Spanish language skills.  We also benefit from having some Spanish speaking teachers in our school. MFL is taught each week across Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6) and the Language Angels scheme ensures that all elements of the National Curriculum are taught by the end of Key Stage Two. The four key skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing are taught and all necessary phonics, grammar and vocabulary is covered in a logical and progressive age-appropriate way, through a variety of themes and topics. Units are progressive within themselves.  Subsequent lessons within a unit build on the language and knowledge taught in previous lessons. Each unit will increase in level of challenge, stretch and linguistic and grammatical complexity as pupils move through Key Stage 2. Each task within a lesson will have three levels of challenge and differentiation to accommodate the differing learning needs of pupils. Each unit consists of 6 lessons. Lessons are also enhanced with songs, karaoke videos, games and quizzes to further engage the pupils and consolidate their learning. 

Language Angels also provide opportunities for Reception and KS 1 children (Years 1-2) to access simple age-appropriate aspects of the Spanish language.  This will be dipped into now and then to enhance the younger children's learning and experience of another culture, whilst further promoting vital listening and speaking skills.



MFL assessment is ongoing throughout each module to inform future planning, lesson activities and differentiation and to identify and fill any gaps in pupils' knowledge and understanding. Previous language will be revised, recalled and consolidated whenever possible and key units revisited to ensure the consolidation of key vocabulary. Summative assessment is completed at the end of each unit (6 lessons) when each MFL objective has been covered to ensure that understanding is being achieved and that progress is being made. Pupil voice is also used to assess the impact of the MFL curriculum. Written tasks are also kept in pupil folders as a record of individual progress. Pupil progress and attainment is tracked and reported to pupils and parents/carers.


All pupils are expected to achieve their full potential and make good or better than good progress in their foreign language learning  - the utmost aim being that pupils will feel willing and able to continue studying languages beyond key stage 2.


Collective Evidence

At Archbishop Courtenay Primary School, we believe that all pupils should have the opportunities to share their pupil voice. We do this in a number of ways. The curriculum allows opportunities for pupils to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding when using their pupil voice. The subject leader notes pupil’s opinions about the teaching of Spanish (MFL) and the content covered, through interviewing pupils during lesson observations and pupil conferencing. The subject leader will act upon the suggestions of pupils wherever possible to ensure this important subject is both engaging, rewarding and effective.


Enrichment Opportunities

To enable pupils to use and apply their learning in a variety of fun, engaging and practical contexts.

To support laying down solid foundations for future language learning.

To encourage pupils to suggest and plan enrichment activities themselves.



  • International Spanish Language Day
  • Foreign language celebration assemblies.
  • Spanish cookery opportunities and taste testing of traditional foods
  • Appreciation of Spanish music and dancing
  • Researching traditional Spanish costumes/dress
  • Weather forecasts using maps from Spain
  • Celebrations of national Spanish festivals
  • Answering the 'dinner register' in Spanish
  • A Spanish café or Spanish Breakfast experience



  • The diverse culture of Archbishop Courtenay is celebrated and shared amongst all those in the school community.
  • Children respect and are aware of similarities and differences between cultures and languages.
  • All children enjoy, show enthusiasm for and develop a love of learning a new language and learning about different cultures.
  • Through memorable experiences, children will learn the importance of learning another language.
  • Children leave Archbishop Courtenay being able to understand spoken and written Spanish, and are confident to communicate in Spanish to prepare them for their next step in Education.



The ultimate outcome is that all pupils will develop a genuine interest and positive curiosity towards foreign languages, finding them enjoyable and stimulating. Research has shown that children who learn a language at a young age (in Scandinavian and other European countries) are more likely to learn other languages, as well as travel to other countries. We want to inspire the children to become life-long language learners and have the confidence to take risks and communicate in other languages. MFL allows children to be aware of the world around them and develop respect for all cult


