Archbishop Courtenay Primary School
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D-Day landing animated video to inspire writing
Watching the video on the following website, choose from the bullet points of writing ideas below it and complete a piece of writing atleast half a page in length. It may be worth researching 'Normany beach landings ks2' in Google and using the ducksters and BBC teach website for further information on the event the video is based on.
The true story of the Three Little Pigs Newspaper Report
Using the link provided, watch the video of the True Story of the Three Little Pigs and write a newspaper report on the stunning events of the pigs commiting insurance fraud and boiling the wolf alive. Include in your report the following: quotes from neighbours who saw the police break in and arrest the pigs. Indirect quotes from social media. Expert advice from the doctor claiming the wolf's innocence and an explanation of the riots (people were rioting over the banks charging too much money for mortgages). Make sure to include newspaper report sentence starters such as 'witnessess claim... evidence suggests.... It was reported that...' further ideas can be found by searching 'newspaper sentence starters ks2' in Google.
Coca Cola Christmas narrative write
Watching the video of the 2020 Coca Cola Christmas advert begin by describing 5 of the different settings the father finds himself in in the video. Pause the video at each of these points and use as much description (expanded noun phrases, metaphors, similes etc.) to describe them as possible. Next, writing as either first or third person, write the story of the video out from start to finish. Be careful to build up detail slowly and don't rush from one event to another (avoid using 'and then' and then' and then'. You can either write as if you are the dad or write in third person.