Monday 22nd February 2021
Hello Wrens and Jays, and welcome to Term 4!! We hope you had a relaxing half term.
Let’s get moving with some wake and shake:
Our focus in phonics this week is on reading longer words. Watch the letters and sounds video to learn how to do this:
Lesson 31:
You could also have a go at this activity. Collect some of your toys in your home, and write the labels for them. Then put the toys one side of the room and your labels the other, take it in turns with someone else in your home to read the word and match to the correct toy.
This week we are revisiting some of the letters we have practised before, as remember the more we practise the better we get! Before we start have a try at a warm up called ‘squiggle whilst you wiggle’ (here is a video of what you do: you need to practise making lots of different shapes using crayons/pencils in each hand, you may try circles, zig-zags or even moving side to side). Once you understand what to do, why not choose your favourite song and get squiggling!!
Today’s letter is ‘v’, have a go at practising writing ‘v’. Remember we start at the top go down diagonally, then back up diagonally the other way.
Once you have had a go at writing the letter ‘v’, look round your home for objects that either start with ‘v’ (for example, vegetables) or have ‘v’ (for example, television) in them.
Can you make a list of the objects you find?
This week in Maths our focus is on comparing the length and height of objects. To be successful in today’s learning you will be able to: order items by length/height, use language linked to size and compare the length/height of items.
To begin today’s learning, what words can you think of that we can use to talk about the length or height of objects? (Maybe you could make a list of these words).
Your activity for today is to find 4 objects in your home, but they need to be different sizes! Can you then talk about the size of the objects you have found? Can you order them by length or height? What words would you use to describe how you have ordered them? For example, your order may be: tallest, tall, short, shortest.
Your challenge for today is: Choose on of your objects, and then find something in your home that is:
-taller than it
-shorter than it
-the same size as it
Start by watching the story of Goldilocks.
After watching the story, can you talk about what Goldilocks did? Did she make the right choice? Why/why not?
Now we would like you to think about a time when perhaps you did not make the right choice, how did it make you feel? How do you think it made others feel? Have a look at the 5 steps to managing big emotions. Maybe you could make your own, what would your 5 steps be?