At Archbishop Courtenay, we aspire to provide our children with the foundations in their knowledge and skills in using the internet to become perceptive, safe and discerning users of the internet. We do this by:
Protecting and educating our pupils, parents and staff in their use and understanding of technology.
Having the appropriate mechanisms to intervene and support any incidents.
Striving to prevent any e-safety concerns through excellent teaching of e-safety.
As a safe haven of hope and aspiration, Archbishop Courtenay C of e Primary School recognise the importance of ensuring that children are safe using technologies both inside and outside of school. We hope that the below resources support you with this. Should you require advice, or have any questions about e-safety, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Keeping you up to date with the latest news and advice around the apps, sites and games your kids are using.
You can get support by:
Your guide to apps, games and social media sites:
reporting harmful online content to the UK Safer Internet Centre.
getting government advice and trusted resources from Educate Against Hate on safeguarding from radicalisation, building resilience to extremism, and promoting shared values.
reporting online abuse from the National Crime Agency’s Child Exploitation and Online Protection command.
the Anti-Bullying Alliance for children who are being bullied online.