Wednesday 3rd March 2021
Let’s do Zumba to wake and shake us up this morning:
Today’s phonics lesson is another review of the phase 3 letters, sounds and words you have already learned.
Lesson 38:
You could also have a go at one of the activities on:
Today for handwriting you are going to recap writing the numbers 5 to 9.
Watch this song about how to write numbers:
Then have a practise at writing numbers 5 to 9.
The activity you may like to try after is to roll a dice and then writing the number.
I wonder which number will you roll the most? Which number will you roll the fewest?
You could always make it more a challenge and use not just 1, but 2 dice and add the number of dots together…how many do you have?
Literacy Live session at 10.30am (complete this activity after)
Today our learning intention is to sequence the story of Goldilocks and the three bears. For this activity you can choose to complete it one of the following ways:
-Draw your own story map.
-Complete one of the cut and stick activities.
-Record yourself retelling the story.
-Make your own characters and use them to act out the story.
-Use toys and props at home to help you retell the story.
Physical Development
Warm up: Play the warm up dice game.
Last week in P.E we began exploring rolling a ball. This week we are going to continue with this focus, however we are going to have a go at aiming the ball!
These are the activities we would like you to try today:
-Rolling a ball to another person.
-Rolling a ball through a ‘gate’.
-Rolling a ball at a target (you may choose skittles if you don't have any you can make some, at a box on it's side or even a goal)