From today please could Year 1 children log onto Swifts class blog and Year 2 children log onto Chaffinches class blog for the daily activities. Click on the bird below to go straight to the blog and please do keep sending me your emails and photos of what you are doing.
Thank you
Mrs Bourdillon
Year 1 children - Swift blog Year 2 children - Chaffinch blog
Welcome to term 6.
Our new topic is: We are going to the Zoo!
Weekly timetable
Monday 1st June
Happy Monday! I hope you had a lovely half term in the sunshine!
This is our Launch day so let's start with a zoo animal dance
Carry on with doing your daily phonics at 10.30 and 11am
Have a look at this clip for plurals - adding an s. One tray, two trays, one plane, three planes etc
Launch day activities
We are going to go for a visit to Chester Zoo.
Click on the picture of the zoo to have a look at what the animals are up to. At 10am you can see the rhinos; at 11am you can look at some unusual frogs; at 12noon watch the cheetahs; at 1pm watch the colourful tropical birds at 2pm you can hang out with orangutans and then at 3pm you can see some different kind of pigs. Have a great day at the zoo!
You could also sing Daddy's taking us to the zoo tomorrow
Maths activity
Have a look at the zoo animals created from shapes. Can you create a zoo animal from shapes? Can you name the 2D shapes?
Then have a go at some of the addition calculations with animals.
Design Technology
Make a zoo animal mask either with a paper plate or paper or card.
Have a look at the pictures to get some ideas
or click on the this link to make an elephant mask
Do not forget to send me photos of what you have made and what you have been doing at:
Enjoy your Launch Day!
Mrs Bourdillon
Art lesson online! did you do this? Have a look on the home learning page or scroll down below to see Mrs Bourdillon's drawing!
Click on the link below to become part of the World's largest online Art lesson with artist Rob Biddulph who is an illustrator. You will recognise some of his illustrations below. Click on the link to register your email to be part of the lesson tomorrow - Thursday 21st May at 4pm
Weekly timetable for Monday 18th May - Friday 22nd May
Friday 22nd May
Good morning Swallows! This week and term has flown by! Can you believe we are at the end of term 5 and next week is half term?!
Did you manage to do the online art lesson yesterday at 4pm?
What do you think of mine and my sons drawing from the online lesson?
Today don't forget to do the Kahoot quiz before 3pm. You might see a photo of Mrs Bourdillon as a baby! Can you guess which one is me? Go to Game pin is 02320436 Write your first name and inital of your surname and then class so that we can tell who is the winner i.e. melisadswallows
Also have a look at the link to the song Look to the Rainbow that the school put together. Can you recognise anybody? Click on the link or look on the school website under the tab Christian Distinctiveness.
Let's wake up with a disco as it is the last Friday of term 5!
Log on at 10.30 and 11am
add er
Listen and look at the story of Gorilla again.
What do you think of the story Gorilla? Do you like the story and why? Do you like the illustrations and why? Can you find any words or phrases that you like and say why you like them.
I like the phrase tingling with excitement because it really gives me the idea that Hannah is really excited, almost as though her whole body is excited. See if you can find some more words and phrases.
Maths - today we are going to look at some time problems. Remember your o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to the hour as well as days of the week. Look at the poster about minutes, hours, days, weeks and years. Then have a go at these activities.
Science - can you do an investigation to see how long it takes for chocolate and an ice cube to melt. Can you predict which one will melt first if you just leave them out? Why do you think that? Time how long they take. What happens to chocolate and ice when it melts? Then try the last investiagtion.
I hope you have a lovely half term.
Here are some activities you might want to do during half term - click on the pictures to follow the links
Let me know what you get up to!
Happy Friday and happy half term holiday!
Mrs Bourdillon
Thursday 21st May
Well it's another sunny day! Hooray! Happy Thursday!
Don't forget to log onto the online Art lesson at 4pm today. Have a look at the top of this page to be part of the biggest art lesson in the world from illustrator Rob Biddulph.
Let's warm up with Go Noodle - jump, squat turn around!
Log on at 10.30 and 11am
adding er as suffix
English - today we are going to think about the adventure that Hannah had with the gorilla. Look at the pictures again. Which animal would you like to go on adventure with? Where would you go and what would you do? Can you draw a cartoon strip of your adventure. Use the idea of one of the templates below.
Maths - today we are looking at the days of the week. Can you say and write them in order? Can you sing the Super Movers song?
Now have a go at these tasks.
Watch the video clip and look at the information below about Gorillas - click on the photos
Can you write some facts about gorillas? Which country and continent do you find gorillas? Where do they live and what do they like to eat? Use the template to help write your facts.
Remember the online art lesson at 4pm.
Happy Thursday and end the day with a prayer.
Mrs Bourdillon
Wednesday 20th May
Good morning on this lovely sunny morning!
Let's wake up with a jump!
adding suffixes - click on the link to find out how to add suffixes.
English - today we are going to think about the lovely adventure Hannah had with the gorilla. You are going to imagine being Hannah and write a thank you letter to the gorilla for the fantastic adventure you had.
You could use one of the templates above to write your letter. You could begin....
Dear Gorilla
Thank you so much for the fantastic adventure we had together last night. It was like a dream come true!
You took me to all my favourite places .......
Maths - today we are going to think about our times that we have looked at on Monday and Tuesday - o'clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past. Then you are going to think of your daily activities and write the time on the clock. Use the template shown if you can. Write the time you get up, have breakfast, start your learning, do phonics lesson etc..
PE - today you are going to see how many activities you can do in a minute. Can you time yourself and see if you can repeat some exercises and do more. How many star jumps can you do? How many sit ups? How many times can you bounce a ball? How many skips?
English - Today we are going to look at the adventure Hannah has with the gorilla. Look at the pictures and listen to the story again. Then set out this part of the story drawing and writing about what Hannah and the gorilla do together.
Listen to the story
Maths - Today we are looking at quarter past the hour and quarter to the hour. For quarter past the hour the minute hand (the long hand) in on number 15. For quarter to the hour the minute hand is on the 9. Watch this video clip to help.
Then try these activities
RE - Today we are going to look at how Muslim's pray. Watch the video and look at Zeineb praying. Talk about how it is similar and different from the way that you pray.
Hope you have good Tuesday! The sunshine is here to stay.
Happy Monday! Hope you had a lovely weekend. This is the last week of term 5.
Let's get some energy for this week with a wake up from Go Noodle - Get Energized!
At 10.30 and 11am click on the link
ng sound
English - Hannah was disappointed with her toy gorilla. Why was she disappointed? What did she do with the toy gorilla? Have you ever been disappointed with something? Could you draw pictures to show this and write some sentences to say why you were disappointed, how you felt and what did you do.
You could listen to the story again by clicking on the book
Maths - this week we are looking at time. Today we are looking at o'clock and half past the hour. Remember when the time is o'clock the minute hand (the long hand) is on the 12 and the hour hand (the short hand) is on the hour. When the time is half past the minute hand on the 6 and the hour hand is half way between the hour it is past and the next hour. Click on the video to help you.
Now try some of these tasks
DT - Make a board game. Think about what you would like to make a game about. It could be a lego game, snakes and ladders, shape game or a game based on a book. Look at the list to think about what you need to do.
Swallows weekly timetable Monday 11th May - Friday 15th May
Keep your children safe online. Click on the link and watch some clips to remind children and parents how to keep safe.
Friday 15th May
Wow this week has gone quickly! I can't believe it is Friday already!
Have a look at the top of the blog at the Kahoot quiz. Miss Flisher has very kindly set it up. You can log on with your family and see if you can guess which pet belongs to which teacher! Let's see if Swallows can have the most entries!!
Also have you sent a video to Miss Sutherland of you singing
'Looking for the Rainbow'? If not then send in by the end of today!
I still need to do mine too!
Let's start with a wake up with Go Noodle
Log on at 10.30 and 11am
Click on these
English - today you are going to plan a birthday party. You could plan a party for yourself or someone else. Look at the planners to give you ideas about what you need to plan. You will need to think about who you are going to invite; what food and drink to have and what games to play etc
Maths - today we are looking at more than 1 part of a whole. We are going to find 2 quarters and 2 thirds of shapes and numbers. Use cake, toast and pizza to cut up and then have a go at the activities.
Science - think about the 3 little pigs, can you make a house for them that is strong. What materials could you use? Use the pictures to give you some ideas to try out. Could you try the challenge?
Have a great Friday and enjoy your weekend!
Do not forget to do the Kahoot quiz and send your video of your singing Looking for the Rainbow to
Mrs Bourdillon
Thursday 14th May
Good morning Swallows Class! Have you sent Miss Sutherland your video of you singing Looking to the Rainbow? Click on the link to practice and then video yourself singing with your school jumper on. I am going to send my video today!
Let's wake up with a Go Noodle Rainbow dance
Click on the link at 10.30am and 11am
Have a look at these and write out some homophones.
English - today we are looking at the page about Hannah's birthday. She was very excited! Do you get excited when it is your birthday? Draw some pictures of your last birthday and write about what you did. Tell me about any presents you got. Did you have a surprise present? Describe your birthday cake and who came to celebrate with you.
Click on the book cover to listen to the story
You could also write about someone in your family's birthday. Maybe you have celebrated a birthday while we have been in lockdown. You could write about how it was different.
Maths - today we are looking at recognising fractions in words and as a number fraction. Have a go at these activities as well as finding a half, quarter and third of cakes, toast and pizza!
PSHE - today we looked at how Hannah was excited about her birthday. Are you looking forward to doing something in the future? Are you excited about going somewhere? I know I am excited about seeing my family after this lockdown and being able to meet up with friends and go to the beach and swimming pool. Draw pictures and write about what you are excited about.
Enjoy your Thursday and end the day with a prayer.
Happy Wednesday! We are half way through the week already!
Let's do a Go Noodle to wake up!
Log on at 10.30 and 11am
Have a look at these videos about silent 'b' in words
Today we are going to listen or read the story up to page 7 again and think about how we could describe Hannah. Look at the pictures from yesterday and write sentences to show how Hannah is feeling and why.
click on the book to listen to the story
You could write: Hannah is a lonely little girl because her dad is always too busy to play with her. Whenever she asks him to do play a game or go to the park he says he has work to do. Hannah loves gorillas. She reads books .....
Maths - we are carrying on with fractions of shapes and amounts: finding halves, quarters and today thirds. Finding a third is cutting a pizza or piece of bread into 3 equal parts. Have a go at these activities of finding thirds of shapes and then amounts.
Today we are looking at how to score a goal
Can you make a goal inside or outside and count how many goals you can score?
Good morning Swallows class! Lovely to see the sunshine again today! Have a look at the letter above from Mrs Sutherland about sending in a video of you singing Looking for a Rainbow. I have started practising singing too!
Let's get moving with Super Movers and practising our fractions ready for our maths lesson!
Log in at 10.30 and 11am to keep up with your daily phonics.
English - today we are going to read up to page 7 on the powerpoint. I sent a copy of the powerpoint to your email yesterday and I have put a link for you to listen to the story. Can you draw some thought bubbles for Hannah on the pages where there are no words. Look at the pictures below to help you. Think about what Hannah might be thinking.
Click the book cover to listen to the story.
Maths - today we are continuing with fractions. Today we are revising halves and then going onto quarter of shapes and amounts. Remember quarter is half and half again. Use objects at home to help. Cut a piece of bread into half and then quarters. Use cars, lego or dolls to find quarter of amounts. Try these activities.
Today we are looking at a Mosque. Watch the clip and make a poster showing key features of a Mosque.
Have a great Tuesday!
End the day with a prayer and get practising with singing
Happy Monday! I hope you had a good bank holiday weekend! Did you do anything to celebrate VE day with your family?
This morning we are going to start with a warm up from Go Noodle - we need to wake up as it is Monday morning!
Don't forget to log on at 10am to practise sounds and then 10.30am and 11am.
English This week we are looking at the book Gorilla by Anthony Browne. Have a look at the different front covers of the book. What do you think the story is going to be about? Talk about it and write some of your ideas in sentences. Then do you know any facts about gorillas? Can you find out any facts about gorillas? You could write some facts about gorillas.
This week we are looking at finding fractions of shapes and amounts. We are going to start with finding half today. If you have a piece of toast or a cake today cut it in half. Have a look at the videos before having a go at the activities. (Go to week 1 tab)
Find halves of shapes and then halves of numbers.
Design Technology Today we are going to make a moving puppet using recycled materials. Look at the videos and photos to give you some ideas.
Enjoy making your toy puppet and I look forward to seeing what you have made.
Swallows weekly overview for Monday 4th May to Thursday 7th May.
Thursday 7th May
Tomorrow is a bank holiday for VE day. Have a look at this clip from bitesize about VE day and why we are celebrating.
Can you name the people in the photo? Are you doing anything to celebrate VE day?
Warm up today with Super Movers
Clink on the link to follow lessons at 10am, 10.30am and 11am.
Today we are going to make a poster about your toy. Think about how you can convince people to buy your toy. What does it do? How does it move? Who would like to buy it? Why do you think it is so great?
Have a look at these posters to get some ideas.
I have updated Times Table Rockstars and Mathletics. Click on the links and add in your username and password.
We are continuing with position and direction. Today using grids to move forwards, backwards, to the left and right so many places.
Have a go at some of these activities
Science We are looking at different types of shoes. Can you find a range of different shoes in your house and say what they are made from? Draw them and label what they are made of i.e. material, leather, plastic,rubber. Then think about designing a shoe to wear in the snow. What will it be made of and what kind of sole will it need?
End the day with a prayer. This week we have been looking at kindness with our school prayers. Can you show your kindness to someone this weekend?
Let's start with Believe Super mover warm up because I believe you are all AMAZING!
You can log on at 10am to practise your sounds and then at 10.30am and 11am.
Today we are going to research and find out about an old toy and then write about facts about the old toy. You could choose one of your parents or grandparents toys.
I have two old teddy bears. You could find out about Teddy Bears in the past.
Have a look at the toys below with information about them to help you write your facts.
Today we are looking at turning and moving to our left and right, forwards and backwards.
Sing this song to help you know which is your left and which is your right.
Then maybe make a track at home and ask and adult or sibling to follow your directions along the route. Have a go at these activities.
Today we are carrying on with striking a ball. Watch the video below and then make up your own bat and ball game. Maybe write out the rules and try playing the game with your family. You could include your directions from maths;left, right, forwards and backwards.
Enjoy a sunny Wednesday and send me photos of what you have been doing today whether it is the activities or something else that you like to do.
Have fun!
Mrs Bourdillon
Tuesday 5th May
Happy Tuesday! Let's do a wake up shake up in Spanish today!
Click on the link at 10.30am or 11am
You could also look at the video clip for alternative oa sound
Today we are going to create a toy timeline. Have a look at the one below and then see if you can make your own toy timeline with your toys, your parents toys and maybe your grandparents toys. Could you add in the years 1952, 1974, 1996, 2005, 2020?
Maybe even earlier years?
Maths - we are carrying on with making whole, half, quarter and three quarter turns. Can you describe these turns and draw the shapes.
Look at the clip below and find out who Muhammed (PBUH) is. Why is he so important to Muslims?
Enjoy your Tuesday and I look forward to seeing what you can do!
Mrs Bourdillon
Monday 4th May
Happy Monday Swallows class. I hope you had a nice weekend!
Let's do a little wake up, shake up in french!
Mrs Finn's and Mrs Souyma's group log on at 10.30am and everyone else at 11am
Have a look at the oa sound
Today we are going to compare an old toy or your parents or grandparents and a toy of yours. You could draw a picture of the old toy and then a picture of your toy and write down anything similar and anything different. You could set it out like this.
You could watch this powerpoint to give you ideas.
You may need to use the password CVDTWINKLHELPS
This week we are looking at position and direction. Let's start with a Super Movers warm up.
Today we are looking at objects to see if they have completed a whole, half, quarter or three quarter turn.
Can you make a whole, half, quarter and three quarter turn with yourself standing up? Do you see different objects when you do these turns in your home? Use some objects at home i.e. car, pencil, doll, teddy bear and see what happens when you give them a whole, half, quarter and three quarter turn. Then try the activities.
DT Make a toy from recycled materials. Have a look at the pictures below. Which toy could you make?
Send me any photos of what you have been up to
Happy Monday!
Mrs Bourdillon
Swallows weekly overview Monday 27th April to Friday 1st May'20
Art Competition
Please follow the link
Friday 1st May
Happy Friday! It's the first day of May - Yipee!
As it is Friday I think we need this special wake up!
Mrs Finn's and Mrs Souyma's group log on at 10.30am and everyone else at 11am
You can also have a look at homophones. Can you write sentences using the homophone? Show how they are different in meaning although they sound the same when you say them.
English Think about how Bella helped her brother Dave. How did she help him?
Also think about our school bible of The Good Samaritan
Could you write about a time when you helped someone? Think about who you helped and how you helped them. It could be someone in your family or someone at school. Try and use conjunctions because, so, when, if. Could you also use noun phrases and adverbs?
i.e. A few weeks ago my younger sister was feeling lonely and upset. I could see she was not happy so .......
Warm up with odd and even numbers
Today in Maths we are looking at multiplication and division problems with our 2,3,5 and 10 x table
Science Have a look and try out these investigations. Can paper and cardboard hold and float on water? Could you write instructions of what to do for the investigation. Where you surprised with what happened and why?
Investigation: How long can a toilet roll container hold water?
You will need:
a bowl, sellotape, newspaper, toilet /kitchen roll, water
Set up the investigation
1. Seal the toilet roll with at least four sheets thickness of
newspaper and tape.
2. Set it in the bowl.
3. Carefully pour water into the toilet roll using a cup and funnel.
4. Make a note of the time you started the investigation.
5.Take photos to record or
make a short description of what happens to the toilet roll over time.
Come back every 2 minutes to observe what happens and record.
6.After half an hour, explain what you think happened.
Is cardboard a good material for a cup? Why/ why not?
I hope you have a great weekend and don't forget to send me photos of what you have been up to.
Happy Friday!
Mrs Bourdillon
Thursday 30th April
Good morning Swallows class!
What a lovely sunny morning.
Enjoy the sunshine before the rain comes! Try this breathing exercise.
If you are in Mrs Souyma's or Mrs Finn's group watch at 10.30am and everyone else at 11am
Year 2 children could also have a look at words with silent letters
English Today we are going to look at the fancy dress parade in the book Dogger.
Could you create your own fancy dress costume? Draw out what you would wear and then describe why you should win the fancy dress parade using the conjunctions and, because, so.
Today we are counting in 3's and sharing into groups of 3. Can you get out some objects like Lego and group into 3's.
Then try these activities
Art - Have a look at these well known Andy Warhol paintings. Could you create your own Andy Warhol picture using either your own face or an object at home. Use paint, pencils or felt tip pens.