Archbishop Courtenay Primary School
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Can order fractions, numbers and measures on a number line and recognise simple equivalence
Test 1 Can order fractions, numbers and measures on a number line and recognise simple equivalence
Can show equivalent fractions using diagrams such as a fraction wall or a grid of squares
Test 1 Can show equivalent fractions using diagrams such as a fraction wall or a grid of squares
Can count in hundredths
Test 1 Can count in Hundredths
Can place common fractions on a number line e.g. 1_4s, 1_2s, 1_3s, 1_10s, 1_5s
Test 1 Can place common fractions on a number line e.g. 1_4s, 1_2s, 1_3s, 1_10s, 1_5s
Can find increasingly harder fractions of a set of objects e.g. 1_3, 1_6, 1_8 and non-unit fractions
Test 1 Can find increasingly harder fractions of a set of objects e.g. 1_3, 1_6, 1_8 and non-unit fractions
Can add fractions with the same denominator
Test 1 Can add fractions with the same demonminator
Can subtract fractions with the same denominator
Test 1 Can subtract fractions with the same denominator
Can recognise and write the decimal equivalent of any number of tenths or hundredths
Test 1 Can recognise and write the decimal equivalent of any number of tenths or hundredths
Can recognise and write the decimal equivalent to a quarter, half and three quarters, showing it on a number line
Test 1 Can recognise and write decimal equivalent to 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 showing it on a number line
Can find the effect of dividing one and two-digit numbers by 10 and 100, giving the answer in ones, tenths and hundredth
Test 1 Can find the effect of dividing one and two digits numbers by 10, 100 and 100
Can round numbers with one decimal place to the nearest whole number, using a number line
Test 1 Can round numbers with one decimal place to the nearest whole number, using a number line
Can compare numbers with the same number of decimal places, up to two decimal places
Test 1 Can compare numbers with the same number of decimal places, up to two decimal places
Can solve simple money or fraction problems up to two decimal places
Test 1 Can solve simple money or fraction problems up to two decimal places