Wednesday 3rd February
Happy Wednesday to you all!
Live teaching at 11am is about Picasso the artist and at 1pm we are looking at how You are Amazing!
Let's start with a little warm up and celebrate all the little things that you do!
Find your group’s work below. Print it out or use a pen and paper to answer.
Year 3
LI pounds and pence
Mrs Bourdillon's group
These are your spelling for this week;
accident, believe, certain, describe, eight,
February, heard, island, notice, probably
Can you find them in the word search? Or make your own word
search with them in?
These are your spellings for this week;
scene, seen, mail, male, bawl, ball, leek, leak, flour, flower
Can you find them in the word search or make your own word search?
Read the extract aloud to an adult, then aloud to yourself and then quietly in your head. There are a few questions in the text - think about how you change your voice for reading questions.
Now let's take a break and believe in yourself!
11am Live teaching on TEAMS about Picasso
Look at these time connectives
Can you choose 6 time connectives and complete the sentences?
After a while ....
All of a sudden ....
LI to storyboard our Egyptian story
The Phoenix Code by Helen Moss
Today we’re listening to chapters 29 and 30 of the Phoenix code told by Mrs Irvine.
Did you hear any fronted adverbials or time connectives?
Now you are going to think about planning your own story.
Who will be the characters in your story?
Where will it be set?
What will the characters be looking for?
What will the problem be?
How will the problem be solved?
How will the story end?
You can use these mountain templates to help plan your story.
Live teaching on TEAMS - You Are Amazing!
LI to make notes about techniques used by an artist
Have a look about the power point from today live teaching about Picasso.
Or you can do your own research about him.
Now draw a mind map of information about Picasso. Draw him or write his name in the middle and facts about him around this.
It's nearly the end of day.
Now it’s time for a little quiet, prayer and reflection with our Class worship.
Click the candle.
Now let's finish the day with a story.
Well done for a super Wednesday of learning!
We look forward to seeing what you have been doing.
Mrs Bourdillon, Mr Hazelby and Mrs Irvine