Good morning and Happy Thursday everyone. We hope you’ve had your breakfast, as brain food is really important when you are learning! Let get our hearts and minds active!
Wake Up and Shake Up or The Daily Mile
Trolls: Can't Stop The Feeling | GoNoodle - Bing video
Trolls: Can't Stop The Feeling | GoNoodle - YouTube
We will begin Term 3 by reviewing our knowledge and understanding of Number and Place Value as this must be secure to help us with all other areas of mathematics.
Please make sure you visit the class maths page for the maths activities!
Bronze – This is aimed at those who need a bit of a recap on missed learning - Follow the folders on your class page to find the ‘Thursday Bronze Questions’ and ‘answers’ files.
Silver and gold - This is aimed at an expected year 5 standard and also a recap for year 6 today.
Follow the folders on Microsoft Teams or your class page to find the ‘Thursday Silver and gold Questions’ and ‘answers’ files.
There is additional reasoning challenges available under the fluency on the class maths pages 😊 These are labelled bronze, silver or gold.
Well done for your super spelling so far this week. Today our focus is on writing sentences that contain our spelling words for this week: Try these activities to help you practise:
Make up silly sentences. How many words can we use in one sentence?
Write down sentences on reverse side of spelling sheet.
Underline spelling word / rainbow colour. Where does it come in a sentence?
If you still have words and are unsure what they mean then check the meanings in a dictionary or use this handy online dictionary link:
Pupils practise spellings under Thursday on the sheet
After Shackleton’s advert in the newspaper, there were over 5,000 replies! Of these replies, Ernest Shackleton chose a crew of men to take with him on his dangerous expedition. See the above photo of these men.
First, choose a member of the crew you would like to be. E.g. Mr B might choose Frank Wild the second-in-command (can you spot him?).
Second, use the following link to research the character you’ve chosen and scroll down the page until you find the ‘biography’ section for clearer detail.
Finally, create a mind map with as much detail about your character as you can find.
Today’s focus is on Art. We will be learning about shadows.
We will be using the image below taken from our book Shackleton’s Journey to help us:
Thinking from an art perspective. Annotate around your picture the things you can see: colours, shade, tone, size, strokes. Now think about the mood of the picture how does it make you feel and why? Add this information around your task sheet that you can find under the art tab on the class pages.
Artist Study: Vincent Bal who is a shadowologist – what might this word mean?
Play this great clip showing how shadows can be used to create all kinds of art:
Play with items sourced from around your home and the torch function on a mobile phone to create shadows. Observe the shapes made by these and to draw around them to create pictures of your own. Photograph these and email them to your teachers – We love seeing your work!
Reading Lesson
Ice Palace
Today you will need to access power point 3b from the reading resources tab and work through slides 1-12.
Enjoy reading more of Ice palace yourself using the book or enjoy listening to Miss Flisher read. Resources are under the reading icon on the class page.