Autumn 1:
This terms big question is I wonder why the word God is so important to Christians?
The first panel of the big frieze is CREATION
When looking at the frieze panels think about these questions:
- What can you see?
- What words are written on it?
- Why are those words represented?
- What would you add to the panel and why?
In this unit of work we will learn that:
- Christians believe that the word ‘God’ is important as the name of someone very important
- Christians believe that God is the Creator of the universe and all that is in it, including people and animals,
- Christians show that God is important to them in church when they gather together to pray to God and to sing his praise.
- Christians are taught to respect God’s name and use it with love and care because God is holy and great.
- Christians believe that they should care for God’s world.