Lesson 15: editing writing
In this lesson you will:
In the many, many years that I have been teaching, I have learned that when I mention the word 'editing', many pupils roll their eyes and groan. For some very strange reason, many of you dislike the process of editing your work. It is, however, an essential skill and one that improves as you do more of it!
1. First of all, I would like you to read your work to an adult or an older sibling. Ask them to listen critically and to give you 3 points to improve as well as 3 things that work well in your writing. Discuss these with them and ask them to explain or to help you. If this is difficult to do, email me your work or even phone the school and read it to me!
Check that you have included direct and reported speech. If you are unsure about this, you can revisit the lesson on this here.
Have you punctuated the direct speech correctly?
Have your characters helped the reader to understand what has happened?
2. Next, check the word banks that I included at the end of the last lesson: which of these words and phrases have you included in your writing?
Do they make sense?
Could you include some more?
Remember, I'd like your article to read like a newspaper and not as a story!
3. Finally, check that the first paragraph grabs the reader's attention and briefly explains what the article is about. The middle paragraphs should report on the incident and include witness statements (reported and direct speech) and the final paragraph should give a comment or sum up. You've done this lots of times before in class - you can do this!
Read your final piece of work before writing up neatly in a newspaper format. In the previous lesson I uploaded a template for you to use to type the article if you wish to. Alternatively, you can type on a Word document or write on paper with a pen.
Email your final pieces of work to me: goldfinch@archbishopcourtenay.kent.sch.uk
Read Bear to A Simple Thing before the next lesson.