Today your task from the express Yourself board is "Dream big and/or Sing it out". You can choose which task you would rather complete.
We would also like you to "model your emotions".
To do this you will need an empty milk carton (1 pint, 2 pints, 4 pints or 6 pints) and like we did last year when we made our Elmer Elephants, you will need to change your milk carton into a face with an expression. You can use any materials you have at home for this task and make your sculptures as bold as you like. If you don't have any plastic bottles, you can sculpt using and scrap paper or cardboard you have at home, just like we did when we made the faces in the gallery at school.
Don't forget to upload your photos and evidence to Teams or send it in to the class emails so we can celebrate your work! The most important part of this is that you have fun!