Prayer for the day
A time to sit, reflect and think to begin the day quiet, focused and the link below to open the prayer page, read slowly and to let the words and ideas gently sink in... Explore the worship at home page or write a short poem or prayer of your own to send in. Light a candle for this time and let all the problems that cloud your mind go with a big breath out! Then blow out the candle! Now you are ready for the day.
Monday June 22nd 2020
Into Week 4! Welcome! Today we're thinking about ways of moving in English and how to describe them. Math this week is all about money and we have a new artist and way of doing art to explore! First, let's shake away all those cobwebs and clouds with a Milkshake shake up that will get us moving and laughing! Are you ready? Let's jump into week 4!
Click the IMAGE above to go to the Department for Education's phonics lessons!
Soumya's and Mrs Finn’s group
watch the 10:00 am video for phase 3 & 4
All other groups, including Mr Hazelby’s
watch the 10.30 am video for phase 5
If videos, don’t play, you can still go to phonics to practise there!
ENGLISH: Movement!
Gerald is shuffling, swaying, swishing,
Write 5 different sentences to describe ways Gerald moves, how he moves (quickly, slowly, smoothly, delicately…) and why!
Example: Gerald is galloping quickly because a lion is chasing him!
Get on Times Tables Rock stars to practice your 2s, 3s, 4s, and 5s!
As a challenge: 6's, 7's and 8's
Remember: practice makes perfect so even if you know these, keep practising so you don't forget! You could also try Mathletics and choose an area of maths there: this week we're looking at money so see if there's some extra Mathletics practice on money. The four questions today can be copied onto paper by printing or by you copying them. There's also some further arithmetic practice on our weekly SATs paper below but you only need to do 2 or 3 questions a day from this. Let's get our maths head on...
Click the link then copy the questions you want to try into a notebook then solve! Use objects around the house to help you if you want to! Happy calculating!