Have a great half term and we will see you all on Monday 24th February..................We now offer Wraparound Care 7:30am - 8:30am and 3:15pm - 6:00pm for more details visit our Virtual School Office..........OUR ATTENDANCE EXPECTATION IS AT LEAST 97% FOR MORE DETAILS ON ATTENDANCE VISIT OUR DEDICATED ATTENDANCE PAGE UNDER THE 'KEY INFORMATION' TAB

Archbishop Courtenay Primary School

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Archbishop Courtenay Primary School

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Herons Morning Learning

Happy Polling Day!


As we discussed in class yesterday, there is a Polling Day today at school and therefore our learning is online! I've given each of you a pack that you can use to help you complete the work but I've also added it to our website below.


Make sure to sign in to our online LIVE maths and English lessons at 9:30am and 11:00am!



Live maths lesson at 9:30am!


Using the below picture/link or the pack you were given yesterday, complete the questions but make sure you are ready at 9:30am on TEAMS for the LIVE input and the call will remain on during the lesson incase you have any questions!


LIVE - English lesson at 11:00am


Pleasure ensure you are ready for our next lesson on TEAMS at 11:00am where we will go over the features of a non-chronological report, reminding ourselves of what we've covered so far this week. I'll then set you off on the task of writing a report of your own choosing, using the features, on the lined-paper provided in your packs!


Reading lesson


Click the links below to be taken to the PDF of Tom's Midnight Garden alongside some questions to answer. Have a read of chapter 5 only and answer the questions on chapter 5 ('The footprints in the dew') in the question booklet provided. Be careful, the answers are in there too so don't peep at these and definitely don't just copy them down; I will know!
