
Archbishop Courtenay Primary School

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Archbishop Courtenay Primary School

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Lesson 2: The Blitz

Lesson 2: The Blitz

In this lesson, you will learn about The Blitz and you will also look at different sources of information and think about the messages they give.


  1. Read the PowerPoint about The Blitz and make sure that you understand it
  2. Watch the BBC Class Clips (click this image)
  3. Read Reading with RIC and answer the questions. If you have been keeping in touch with a friend in Goldfinch class, you could contact them and discuss the answers together - you don't need to write the answers down if you talk about them. You should be getting a good understanding of The Blitz now.
  4. I wonder how we know so much about The Blitz. What do you think? Where does our information come from and can we trust it? A source provides us with evidence about the past: some examples are recordings, newspaper reports, art, letters, photographs, diaries and artefacts (such as clothing, weapons and utensils). I wonder, can we always trust a source? Look at the Is Britain Winning the War? document and follow the instructions. You need to think about the reason each source of evidence was produced (what was the message it was trying to send out and who was the message aimed at?) Can you complete your own research and add to the columns?
  5. Choose from one of these activities: 


How can I do this?

Sketch a scene showing the aftermath of the Blitz.

Use the pictures below to inspire your sketch. Think about what the streets, buildings and people might look like. You could complete this as part of your art lesson this week, sketching in the style of Henry Moore (check the Art & DT section for more information).

Recreate being in the Blitz by making an area of your home as dark as possible. This was known as the Blackout and every home was required, by law, to ensure that no light from the house could be seen from outside.

Find a small area of your home and see if you can make it as dark as possible just like during The Blackout? Think about the resources you have already in your home. Can you use sheets, turn off lights or maybe cardboard to make your area dark? 

Remember there weren’t any electrical devices like televisions, iPad, mobile phones or electrical gaming platforms in WW2. How long can you last in your area without any of those gadgets?

Create a job advert for an Air raid warden (or similar job). 

Think about the new jobs that were created because of the Blitz. Air Raid Wardens, Ambulance drivers and Fire Fighters are just a few. Can you create a job advert to attract people to a role? What qualities do they need to have? You might have to do some extra research for this.
