Friday 26th February
Happy Friday and well done for getting to the end of the first week of term 4!
There are two recorded lessons today. One about using noun phrases in your character descriptions and one art lesson.
Let's start with a celebration dance for the end of the week.
Year 3
automatic, autopilot, autobiography, autograph, autofocus,
superman, supernatural, superstar, superficial, supermodel
Can you write out each spelling 3 times and ask someone at home to give you a test on your spellings?
Year 4
international, intergalactic, interrupt, intercept, interject,
antibiotic, antidote, antihistamine, antihero
Can you write out each spelling 3 times and ask someone at home to give you a test on your spellings?
Look at the new text for today and read it aloud to an adult, aloud to yourself and then quietly in your head before you start answering the questions.
Today we are continuing to look at expanded noun phrases again. Watch the clip.
Can you now choose some different nouns to yesterday and add at least 2 adjectives to describe the noun? use the nouns: school, park, Mrs Heather, Mr Hazelby, leaf, hill.
Listen to the last part of chapter 1.
Do you notice any noun phrases as you are listening or following the text?
Today we are going to continue with writing our descriptions about a character Bilbo Baggins or Gandalf.
The dwarf, Bilbo Baggins who was about half the size of a human had brown hair but no beard. He was a shy, quiet man who did not venture out much, however he liked to have visitors to his underground house. Bilbo was a respectable, proud man because people thought of him highly and he liked to keep his comfortable home clean and tidy. His luxurious house .....
The tall wizard Gandalf, who was wearing a dark coat, had a long pointed, blue hat and held a bony staff stick as he walked down towards the hill. He wore a long, grey cloak .....
Today is arithmetic day so either do your arithmetic test from here or on the TEAMS assignment.
Year 3
Year 4
Mrs Bourdillon's group
Now have a look at the following sites to practice your times tables and halving, doubling and number bonds.
LI choose an interesting or unusual perspective or viewpoint for a landscape
What is a landscape? Have a look at the power point, which is at the bottom of this part of the blog, to find out.
Now try and make a view finder - click on the link to find out how to make a view finder and then choose a view you would like to draw or paint.
Now it's the end of the day, click on the link to listen to a story.
Well done for getting to the end of the first week of term 4! Enjoy your weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday. Don't forget to send your work to your class teacher either through email or on TEAMS.
From all the LKS2 team.