Good morning and Happy Friday everyone.
We hope you’ve had your breakfast, as brain food is really important when you are learning – Don’t forget we Have PE today! Let get our hearts and minds active!
Wake Up and Shake Up or The Daily Mile
Wake Up Shake UP - YouTube Leeds Rhinstones dance routine.
We will begin Term 3 by reviewing our knowledge and understanding of Number and Place Value as this must be secure to help us with all other areas of mathematics.
Today is ‘Challenge Friday!’
Head over to the maths page and look under the Friday tab (alternatively, click here: ).
You will see a range of different problems that start of easy and get harder. The challenge is to work your way from the top (the easiest) down to the bottom (the hardest!). How many can you confidently complete?
Spelling | Archbishop Courtenay Primary School (
Sound sort – As Monday / Wednesday – different sound
Well done you have made it to Friday! Today you get to choose one of the activities below to help you with your spellings. Many of you enjoy using online games and apps to help you with your learning. If you know of a really good one for spelling – please let your teachers know and we can add it to the additional resources area on the class pages.
Pupils practice under Friday on the sheet Remember to be ready for a test on Monday.
Pupils practise spellings under Friday on the sheet
Yesterday, you chose your crew mate and began researching and mind-mapping details of that person.
Today, we would like you to write a letter to Shackleton in response to his advert in the newspaper. In this letter you should explain why you (Frank Wild for example) deserve to be chosen to be part of his dangerous adventure?
As part of your writing, look at the triangle of punctuation below and see which level you can achieve. E.g. if you only use full stops you managed level one. But if you use all the punctuation on the last line correctly you’ve completed the whole triangle and are a punctuation king/queen!!
See examples below 😊
On the class pages under the PE icon we have uploaded a Rainbow Challenge for you to complete - this time we want you to really push yourselves a little harder, a little further and a become a little fitter in body, mind and soul. Exercise is so important to your physical and mental wellbeing. Please get out at least once a day – even if it is for a socially distance walk around the block.
PE | Archbishop Courtenay Primary School (
Ice Palace
Today you will need to access power point 3b and complete slides 13-18 and complete this week’s retrieval skills work.
Enjoy reading more of Ice palace yourself using the book or enjoy listening to Miss Flisher read. Resources are under the reading icon on the class page.
Reading | Archbishop Courtenay Primary School (