Term 1 Summary
If you had to sum up term 1 in 3 words which 3 words would you use?
Week Ending 2nd October 2020
This week has been a super busy week in Goldfinches Class.
At the start of the week we completed our Evalina Art Project Throughout the week we have been completing mini PiXL assessments in Reading, SPaG and Maths. We've read more of our class book Cosmic, and written Harvest poems that we shared in Collective Worship.
Year 6 were visited by the local Magistrate Mr Alvin Shaw. He spoke to the children about the topic of crime and punishment and how the law in the UK works. The children learnt about the age of criminal responsibility and the sorts of crimes that could result in a person being seen by a magistrate and possibly being fined or going to prison! The children were very mature with their questioning and enjoyed the talk they were given. They agreed that real prison is not a place they would ever like to go to.
Most children brought in goods for the Harvest collection and this will be going to the local food bank to help those in need.