Lesson 26 - Review ai/ay a a-e
Our Year 1 Letters and Sounds Phonics lessons are suitable for children who can blend and read words such as 'stamp', 'chair' and 'green'.
Lesson 27 - Review word endings le bubble se cheese ve give
Our Year 1 Letters and Sounds Phonics lessons are suitable for children who can blend and read words such as 'stamp', 'chair' and 'green'.
Lesson 28 - Review oy boy ir bird aw claw
Our Year 1 Letters and Sounds Phonics lessons are suitable for children who can blend and read words such as 'stamp', 'chair' and 'green'.
Lesson 29 - Review wh wheel ph phone g giant
Our Year 1 Letters and Sounds Phonics lessons are suitable for children who can blend and read words such as 'stamp', 'chair' and 'green'.