Happy Friday Key Stage One!
Let's get started with a wake up shake up!
Spend some time looking out of one of your windows, like the two children in the first illustration.
What is it like outside?
What is the weather like? Is it wet and rainy like in the poem? Or is it sunny, cloudy or windy?
Can you see any people? What do they look like? How are they reacting to what it’s like outside?
Draw some illustrations, to capture what you see, like Shirley Hughes has here. You might choose to draw
one big picture, or some smaller ones too. You might even choose to draw yourself looking out as well!
How will you capture what people are doing or how they are feeling?
Now, think about how you can use words to describe what you see in a poem. Shirley Hughes called this
poem Wet. What word might best capture the view outside your window? Is it a feeling, an action?
TASK: Have a go at writing some phrases using adjectives to describe the things you see and putting these together to make a poem. Use the structure of Shirley Hughes' poem to help you.
Here's our example:
Grey clouds,
Snow again,
White flakes like feathers.
Down the country lane.
Happy children,
Snowball fights,
Making snow angels
Until late at night.
Year 1 Maths
Today we are continuing to order numbers within 50.
Year 2 Maths
Today we are reviewing all our learning from our statistics unit. Warm up using the video below then complete the end of block assessment.
Religious Education
Today we are going to review our learning from this term. We would like you to explain what Christians believe about the Good News that Jesus brings. First, play the game to explore what matters most to you out of the two options. Maybe both options are important to you.
Now watch this story of the 'Pearl of Great Price'
What do you think the pearl represents?
What do you think the hidden message of this parable?
Jesus told this parable to help his followers think about what was most important in life and to not get distracted by other things.
For Christians, the most important thing is God. Sometimes can get distracted and follow or copy other things, but God wants his followers to focus on what really matters in life.
The Good News that Jesus brings gives Christians an example of how they can follow God and focus on what really matters to God.
What is the Good News that Jesus brings?
Use the words and pictures to help answer this question on the Teams assignment.